Category Archives: Daily Devotional

Read Ephesians 4:17, 22; 5:5-9 and note that no immoral or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of God. List ways you used to be a “child of darkness” by delineating past sins. Now list ways you have become a … Continue reading

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Read Ephesians 1:8-10 about how God has showered us with kindness, wisdom, and understanding and how, in the proper time, He will bring it all together for His glory. You have been given the gifts of faith and salvation, so … Continue reading

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Read Ephesians 5:6-8. Write how the dark-mindedness of this world tries to snuff out God’s light. Now record how you can eschew these old ways of sin and adopt “lighter” ways that are pleasing to Christ, making a difference in … Continue reading

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Read Ephesians 5:4a and compare it to Ephesians 5:4b. Write down ways you have done both. Prayerfully record ways you can overcome the negative by concentrating on the positive.   Mona Dukes South Carolina   Pray Together: JAPAN: Pray as … Continue reading

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My Father-in-law & Mother-in-law celebrated their 50th anniversary this month. They are a true testament of the love and commitment God expects us to show our mate. Remember, God gave you your spouse and you should be thankful. Strive for … Continue reading

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In the story of Ruth and Boaz we find that as Ruth begins to spend time gleaning from the fields of Boaz, he comes to her and asks her to stay. He says, “Go not to glean in another field, … Continue reading

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Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and make a list of how you intend, over the next weeks, to use the following armor-like items: –         the belt of truth (ex: not tell any lies, even “white” ones); –         the body armor of God’s … Continue reading

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