Thank You, Mrs. Miley

Proverbs 31:10,25
“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” “Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”

Have you ever heard the old adage, “If you want to know someone, just listen to them”? So, I went exploring for gold nuggets from Mrs. Miley, and no surprise, that’s all I found. Here are some priceless gems from Mrs. Lorene Miley.

1958-Woman’s Auxiliary Workbook
“Those Who Lead”
“Those who lead must first spend time alone in meditation and study of His Word. Someone has said we should never talk to others longer than we have talked to God….May we never be guilty of coming before our women until we have first come before God.”

WNAC 1960 Yearbook
“The Woman In Command”
“Be heart prepared by meditating upon His Word and communion with Him. His Holy Spirit eases over the rough spots and gives confidence.”

1961 Co-Laborer April, May, June

“Goals E’re Before Me”
“May distance not be a hindrance in our praying. To be as faithful in praying for our friends at home as we want them to be faithful in praying for us.”

1969 Co-Laborer April, May, June
“Today’s Woman In Africa”
“But most important of all we teach her the Word of God, the most necessary guide of all for a happy, well adjusted life. As she comes into a personal relationship with Christ, we seek to show her how she can relate this experience to her own culture. And, underneath all these efforts is the basic, undergirding principle of love.”

1980 Co-Laborer July, August, September

Editorial: “Leadership”
“The secret is leadership. Show me a good thriving Auxiliary, and I can almost guarantee you there’s an enthusiastic president in there infusing and energizing the program.”

A letter from Bouna, dated 6-27-78

“But with what love He has shown me through Ephesians 3:17 and Colossians 2:17 (“rooted and grounded in love (Christ), and rooted and built up in Him”) that my roots are not in Africa (neither are they in America); they’re in Him. And I can go wherever He leads without being uprooted, for my roots, and even the ground, is firmly implanted in Him. He is the buffer to take all shocks and adjustments. All I need do is abide in Him. And for the peace and joy He has given me in this area I’m deeply grateful.”

Thank You Mrs. Lorene Miley for all the wisdom of gold.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER:What a blessing Farther Still studies have been. Give thanks to the Father for His servant, Lorene Miley.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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One Response to Thank You, Mrs. Miley

  1. I have been studying the TWG Bible studies and they have been a very real inspiration to me. I have encouraged the ladies in our auxiliary to pray their requests and one meeting EVERYONE PRAYED. I have found wisdom and encouragement in each of the lessons. I want to thank Lorene Miley for taking the time to share with us the lessons from God’s Word.It is so encouraging to have such vibrant dedicated women who are such good examples to women everywhere, either on the mission field or home. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
    God Bless You. A sister in Christ, Rosaline Johnston

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