Our September study revolves around a couple of women in the Bible that our writer calls “hidden jewels whom God placed in unusual settings.” Their names are Jael and Phoebe.
In doing research on the lives of these “gems”, I found some interesting reading.
These women were warriors of the faith, but, their deeds are often overlooked. Perhaps this is true because they had supporting roles instead of being the leading ladies. Maybe they were the unsung heroines because they stepped out of their feminine “comfort zone.” Whatever the case, both were used by God to accomplish His will.
Tomorrow we will begin our study of Jael. To better understand how she appeared on the scene, I would encourage you to read Judges 4. You might think Deborah tended to overshadow Jael. Jael was a lowly tent dweller, but she didn’t allow that to keep her from being used of God. As we delve into her story, think about how God has or can use you. Chances are you won’t have to go to the lengths Jael did, but God may call you to an unusual setting. You may find yourself doing things you never dreamed you would or could do. God still enables the ordinary to do the extraordinary for His glory
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: On this Labor Day, pray for persons currently unemployed. Ask God for more laborers in His harvest.
So so true! Thanks for the words of encouragement today. Looking forward to finding out more each day on the blogs. Thanks for your work. Blessings, Amy