“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure†(Revelation 4:11).
We now turn to the purpose of the Creation. Our verse states this clearly. There is no hidden agenda or dark mystery. All that God created was according to His Plan and Will and for His pleasure. God, who hung the sun, moon, and stars in place, keeps the earth turning on its axis today. It’s wonderful to know it was His pleasure to design everything about the world we live in.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Begin now asking God what He would have you give to FWBHM Mission: North America Offering (formerly the Benjamin Randall and Lizzie McAdams Offerings).
Thank you for the beautiful thoughts about our Creator and creation! I have started reading my Bible through again. I finished for 2008 last week…so I have within the last week read Revelation and am now in Genesis…Our Creator is Alpha and Omega, He Himself is the beginning and the end…and everything in between!!
Thank you for you ministry to WNAC and our women through this blogspot. It is a challenge and blessing to me!