The Fruit of the Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law”  (Galatians 5:22-23).

As I read various online commentaries concerning these verses, one entry at captured my attention. There are statements within it that I would like to share today with you.

“By our own efforts, these things could never be produced in us as they were found in Jesus. But the wonderful promise of this passage is that, through the ministry of His own Holy Spirit dwelling in us, Jesus’ own perfect character—as defined by these qualities—can be exhibited in us!”  Considering what our lives were like before we were saved, this should thrill us.

Development of these qualities will take time. However, don’t become discouraged. “That the character qualities the Spirit wishes to produce in us are compared with ‘fruit’ reminds us that the process of their full development in us will take time. We must allow the Holy Spirit all the time He wishes in directing the timing and the process of the production of His own fruit in us. And we must accept that He brings us into the various trials and tests that develop and perfect that fruit in us; and not try to short-change the process.”

“The fruit of the Spirit, as we see it listed in this passage, may seem like a random list of qualities; but in reality, they are given to us in very logical divisions. The first three qualities have to do, primarily, with the impact of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ: ‘love, joy, peace.’ The second three have to do with our relationships and interactions with other people: ‘longsuffering [or ‘patience’], kindness, goodness.’ And the final three have to do, primarily, with our own inner state of being: ‘faithfulness, gentleness [or ‘meekness’], self-control.’ Considered in those terms, the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in us will impact every relationship we could ever have.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Free Will Baptist Christians in France, asking God to fully develop these fruit qualities in their lives.

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Happy Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9).

Peacemakers are those who endeavor to promote peace. When it comes to peace, we can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.  The choice is ours.

Today’s verse tells us we can be happy and blessed if we are peacemakers. We will be following the example of our heavenly Father.  Peacemaking allows us to “be called the children of God.”  The latter is the greatest blessing of all.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Free Will Baptist brothers and sisters in Cote d’Ivoire who are still feeling the affects of this year’s governmental overthrow. Ask God to grant them grace and skill as peacemakers during these difficult times.

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Happy Are the Meek

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).

I once heard someone call the beatitudes the “be happy attitudes.”  We may think we have little in this life to be happy about.  The world may think we are poor and needy. However, think about what we have in store. We have an inheritance coming. We will one day be “joint-heirs with Christ.”  Knowing He will never leave or forsake us and the promise of a brighter tomorrow should give us joy even in this life.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that Free Will Baptist leaders in India and Nepal will joyfully celebrate this Christmas season in spite of hardships and poverty.

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Peace and Blessing for the Meek

“But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace” (Psalm 37:11).

Those who humble themselves before the Lord are promised blessings and peace for showing these traits.  Take consolation in the fact that God keeps His promises.

At times we will feel oppressed or distressed. However, we must continue to trust God with a meek spirit. We can’t let these times rob us of our joy.  If we stay close to the Lord and trust Him for the outcome, we will realize He is working things out for our good.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christmas outreach events in Japan. In light of this year’s tsunami and earthquake, individuals may be more receptive and ready to hear the gospel. Pray that nothing would hinder these events.

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An Increase in Joy

“The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 29:19).

This third week of our December study offers another aspect of joy.  Joy comes as God’s children are meek and peacemakers.  Many times the word meek is misunderstood. Meekness is not of sign of weakness. The definition of meekness includes words like gentle, unassuming, humble, simple of faith and patient. Those traits require a person to be strong in the Lord.

A meek person shows restraint or self-control. I wouldn’t classify that as being weak.  Christ  was the greatest example of  meekness.  As we strive to be more like Him, we will find an increase of joy in our lives.

At the time of today’s verse, the poor and needy who feared God were facing trials of oppression. Yet God would punish their oppressors. Their joy would be restored as they witnessed God’s love and protection.

When trials come, we may not always handle them in a meek manner. Our faith is tested, and we must allow it to grow.  When we come through the storms, we hold reason to rejoice. Our joy is refreshed and, often times, increased.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christmas outreach events in Spain and for FWB missionaries as they coordinate and assist.

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Christmas Preparations

“All glory to him, who alone is God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Yes, glory, majesty, power and authority belong to him, in the beginning, now and forevermore.  Amen”  (Jude verse 25 NLT).

Just a few reminders as you head out to church this Sunday…

The message, as wonderful as it may be, is not the reason for the season.

The church, how ever beautifully decorated, is not the reason for the season.

The music, regardless of how perfectly presented or executed, is not the reason for the season.

The faces in the congregation, no matter how many or how varied, are not the reason for the season.

The Christmas programs, despite the staging and elaborate props, are not the reason for the season.

The new dress.  The gifts you might receive.  The spirit in the air.  None of these are the meaning of the season…

“All glory to him, who alone is God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Yes, glory, majesty, power and authority belong to him, in the beginning, now and forevermore.  Amen.”

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that unbelievers attending your services today will sense the drawing and convicting power of the Holy Spirit leading them to repentance.

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Christmas Glory or Christmas Shame

“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name” (Luke 1:46-47, 49).

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  The lights are up; the temperature’s dropped and there’s even promise of snow.

Something about a first snow puts me in the Christmas spirit.

But isn’t that a shame?

Why am I not “Christmas-y” all year long?  Why do my tidings of comfort and joy seem to flow more freely after a huge Thanksgiving meal?  Or how is it that the Christ child means a bit more to me when He’s sat on a table or shelf surrounded by pine boughs?

Why is it easier for me to give in the month of December?  Why do I listen more closely to songs about Jesus when they have a holiday tempo?

How come baking, cleaning, wrapping and tidying up take on a different meaning when they’re done for the appearance of Santa and eight tiny reindeer?

Isn’t it a shame?

The Baby lives throughout the year.  Why doesn’t my Christmas cheer?

And what about yours?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for special Christmas programs and services in FWB churches  throughout the world. (Due to differing time zones, many will actually take place during early evening, late night Saturday or early Sunday morning hours.

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