Use Your Gift Properly

“Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40).

From various Bible commentaries, we could gather that the Corinthian church had some unruly worship services.  Those services discredited God.  Paul gave this church guidelines and admonished them with the words of today’s verse.  Given the different factions, the immorality of the people  and the improper use of gifts within that church, Paul had to be bold and set down some rules.

Tomorrow we will emphasize further the need for God’s children to be body builders in their churches.  If you are using your gift or gifts properly, you will make a difference in your church. This will also make an impact on those around you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for missionaries apart from family (both children and extended family) this Thanksgiving season.

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Don’t Cause Confusion

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

The Corinthian church had many problems.  Jealousy surrounded their use of spiritual gifts and worship services were not regulated. Paul was burdened for that church. In their diversity, Paul found little unity. They needed to realize that anything not Christ-exalting would fail—confusion would prevail.  Today’s verse clearly states that God is not the “author of confusion.”  That only leaves the devil who will always be around to cause problems in the church.  However, he won’t win.  He cannot destroy the Church of the Living God.

Use your spiritual gifts wisely. Be part of the solution, not the problem within your church.  If you are being led by the Spirit, neither you nor anyone else will be confused. Paul alludes to the fact God is the author of peace.  The spirit of peace and unity will prevail  “in all the churches of the saints.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for FWB chaplains ministering this week to soldiers around the globe.

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All to Edify

“How is then brethren?  When ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation.  Let all things be done unto edifying” (1 Corinthians 14:26).

As we continue with our November Treasure Bible study, we see more of Paul’s instruction in regards to spiritual gifts. If you know what your gift is, you should have the desire to use it.  The same Spirit who bestows those gifts will give you discernment as to how and when to use them.  One of the gauges of using spiritual gifts is whether they are edifying or strengthening those who make up the church.  Most churches have an order of service. Gifts are exercised within that order.  It would be chaos otherwise. That surely wouldn’t be edifying.  The Corinthian church had to learn to conduct their worship services in a way that would be understood and accepted by all who attended.

As you seek to prayerfully use your spiritual gifts, make sure in doing so, you are a body builder.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for college students who will be apart from family this Thanksgiving. Pray about inviting a student to join in your family’s festivities.

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Very Thankful

“God’s ways are as hard to discern as the pathways of the wind, and as mysterious as a tiny baby being formed in a mother’s womb”  (Ecclesiastes 1:5 NLT).

As I ponder a mental list of all I’m thankful for, topping it all would be as King Solomon describes in today’s verse.

I’m so glad God doesn’t think like I think.  I’m very thankful He doesn’t do for me exactly, and in every circumstance, just what I’ve asked Him to do.  I’m grateful that I don’t always see Him at work; then I am blessed beyond measure to see what He’s done.
I’m ecstatic to know the how’s, why’s, when’s and where’s of life are safe in His hands—my planner and myself are really not required.

As I begin this Thanksgiving week, I’m most thankful for the fact that God’s ways are mysterious and glorious. What about you?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for generous gifts to the Mission: North America Offering in churches across the nation today.

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Aahh, the Holidays

“How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony”  (Psalm 133:1 NLT).

Aaah, the holidays are fast approaching.  Christmas sales are beginning even before your Thanksgiving turkey has been cooked!  Stores have stocked and over-stocked shelves.  Retailers have advertised to the hilt.  Wish books have been mailed out to every household containing children–or grandchildren.

The holidays bring about a lot of emotions:  excitement, awe, love, friendship, peace and let’s not forget—tension.

Not every family gathers lovingly around the yule log to sing carols or hang tinsel.  Not every family gathers at the Thanksgiving table for a picture perfect American banquet.  Not every family looks forward with anticipation to the time spent together.  Not every family can tolerate each other long enough to even have a Christmas card photo taken.

As Christians, we’re called to go over and above when it comes to living in harmony.  We’ve got to make the effort, give the most and expect the less when it comes to dealing with the unsaved, or even saved-and-not-living-like-it, members of our family—the family by blood and the family we gain through Christ.  We’ve been given another opportunity this year to present God’s love to those He has placed in our midst, like them or not.

What better gift could we give ourselves, our loved ones, our world, our Savior, this holiday season?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Today is the final day of 40 days of Prayer and Fasting with International Missions. Even if you have not yet participated in this venture, FWBIM invites you to join today in prayer and fasting for its current and future ministry. (Follow the link to read today’s request.)

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Show Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”  (Matthew 5:7).

As we end this PreThanksgiving Week of Prayer, our thoughts turn to Donna Crabtree who serves with her husband Jeff in Fredericktown, New Brunswick, Canada.  Donna exemplifies today’s Scripture as she compassionately works with others.  Her ability to know when someone needs a listening ear or perhaps guidance in the Scriptures serves as an asset to this mission work.

Are you one who shows mercy to others?  Do others see the true light shining through you? I once read the following statement: “The true definition of sympathy is your pain in my heart.”  Does your life radiate that kind of compassion?  If we are willing to show mercy to others, we can be sure we “shall obtain mercy.”  As we use the gift of mercy we can show others the love of God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Donna and other home missionary wives who possess the spiritual gift of mercy. Today is also Day 39 of 40 days of Prayer and Fasting with International Missions. (Follow the link to read this day’s request.)

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Serve with Gladness

“Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” (Psalm 100:2).

On day four of WNAC’s PreThanksgiving Week of Prayer, we focus on Shirley Cooper who works with her husband Kenneth in Glenville, West Virginia.  There is nothing sweeter than a servant of the Lord who serves Him with gladness.  Shirley joyfully offers assistance in any way possible to those in need.  She quietly and efficiently works behind the scenes to help the mission of the church.  Thank God for women like Shirley, who possess a servant’s heart.

Those with the gift of service/helps are vitally important to a church.  Seeing a need and filling it shows we understand the work of the Lord is not all about us, but about Him. Often times people with the gift of service or helps blend into the background. Their work goes unnoticed or they may not be thanked for what they do. However, God will bless them either in this life or in the one to come for all their selfless efforts.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Shirley and other home missionary wives who find fulfillment and delight in serving and helping. Today is also Day 38 of 40 days of Prayer and Fasting with International Missions. (Follow the link to read this day’s request.)

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