He Is Our Light

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”  (John 8:12).

The title of our February Bible study is “Guiding Light.”  The One who created light is the true Light of the world. He confirms this in today’s verse. Our study writer introduces the study with these words:  “We understand the importance of light.  And in this dark world where we live, thrust in shadows by the powers of this age, we desperately need the Light of Jesus to shine on our path and show us the way.”

All He asks of us is to faithfully follow Him, and we’ll never walk in darkness. He will become a living light to us to make sure we will not stumble. Trust Him to be your “Guiding Light.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Often new missionaries must sell homes. Pray that final details will fall into place without legal hassles and that God will guide their choices in securing new homes on their respective fields.

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“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine.  Test yourselves.  If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is among you, it means you have failed the test”  (2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT).

How genuine is your faith?  Now, I realize that Sunday is the worst day of the week to ask this question. But it’s been presented to me; so I pass it on to you.

Today at church, will anyone sense you are worshiping in the Spirit?  Whether or not your hands raise in the air or tears flow down your cheeks, will they know you’ve come to worship the King of Kings?

Tomorrow at work, will anyone notice Jesus in your words or actions?  Will they sense a difference in you—and desire to find out just what that difference is?

Wednesday, your halfway point in the week, will your faith be as strong as it is today?  Will the world have shaken you up, let you down or beaten you up?  Or will your faith, three days from Sunday, still be strong?

Come Friday and Saturday, will you still pass the test for genuine faith?  Will the pastimes and hobbies that busy your weekend reflect Christian values and attitudes?  Will you begin anticipating the Holy Spirit in your church services?

How genuine is your faith?  How much of Christ is seen in your life?  Pass or fail, friend?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: It’s somebody’s birthday today (Missionary Jaimie Lancaster, MK Alyssa Cates and MK twins Opal and Foster Beck). Obtain a WNAC Program and Plan Book so you can pray for and remember more missionaries on their special day.

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“For the same God who worked through Peter for the benefit of the Jews, worked through me for the benefit of the Gentiles”  (Galatians 2:8 NLT).

There’s nothing like being shown a glimpse of your purpose in life to encourage and drive you forward, is there?

Paul was allowed to see where his attempts, his service, his sacrifice, his hard work were influencing people for Christ—and that, I believe, gave him the zeal he’s known for in the Christian world.

What about you?  Have you asked God to show you how it is you’re benefiting people in your sphere of influence?  Would it spur you on to bigger attempts?  Might it cause you to double up on your efforts?  Could it be your faith would be made stronger by seeing how your life is influencing others?

Go ahead, ask Him.  But be prepared—it might not be the folks you think you’ve been sent here for or in the places you believe you’re working the hardest.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Have you prayed for your pastor, his wife and family?  Do it now!

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Keep Shining

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:1).

This verse begins with two commands. The first is “arise” and the second is “shine.”  The longer we serve the Lord, waiting for His coming, we may tend to become a little lax in our service.  It’s not that we’re falling into a deep sleep, but, we’re in danger of that happening. Our verse starts with “arise.”  Wake up and get back in the race.  Our mission on earth is not over.  We can’t let our lamp go out while souls are perishing.  We must stay mission-oriented or our light will fade to a flicker.

It’s not good enough to just arise.  We must shine and stay involved in the work of the Lord.  In many areas of the world, workers must be “creative” in their means of letting their lights shine.  We must be willing to find creative ways to share the gospel as well.

Our prayer should be “give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning.”  Maybe your light isn’t as brilliant as it could be. Trust the Lord to “fan the flame” that once burned brightly, so you can keep on shining until His return.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember the writers of TWG Magazine.  Ask God to use the articles to uplift and encourage women as they serve Him.

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Let Your Light Shine

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

We are to let our light shine brightly.  When we do, others will see the good we do for God’s glory   They will see the effect God has made in our lives.  We will have opportunities to be that shining light God desires of us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Elizabeth Hodges and the faithful staff who work together in behalf of all FWB women.

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“Ye Are the Light of the World”

“Ye are the light  of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid” (Matthew 5:14).

It takes only one candle to pierce the darkness. We live in a sin-darkened world.  Created in His image we can be candles. Or we can shine even brighter as beacons. Put all that light together, and in community, we can shine indeed.  “A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember FWB chaplains serving both at home and overseas. Pray for family adjustments, especially during trips to war zones.

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Designed to Shine

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26a).

Our study writer states, ”On the Sixth Day, as the pinnacle of God’s creation, man was formed in God’s image.”  She uses the words, “image bearers.”  I loved the analogy she created for us.  I especially liked the statement,  “The things you make reflect you.”

You are God’s original.  He made you and placed His image on you. We will not have the power and wisdom of God.  What we will have is the ability to be creative. You can do things that make you uniquely you.  Trust the One who made you in His image. He has designed you to shine for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for new home missionaries as they make contacts and schedule services. Pray they will be encouraged by regular attendees.

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