Anna Beholds the Messiah

“And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord” (Luke 2:38a).

Joseph and Mary brought the baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated according to the custom of the law. A man named Simeon  who was promised he would not die until he had seen the Messiah took Jesus in his arms and declared Who He was and what He would do. When Simeon finished and was talking with Mary and Joseph, Anna appeared and rejoiced. She had waited so long for this moment. She looked in the face of the Messiah and could not contain her joy. Our study writer states “Some people probably  thought she was just a crazy old lady who hung out at the Temple.”  Anna really didn’t care.  Prophecy had been fulfilled.  She couldn’t keep this kind of news to herself.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christian emergency personnel. Ask God to keep them calm, alert and ready to share comfort in crisis situations.

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My Savior’s Birth

“O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me” (Psalm 139:1).

Have you personalized Christmas?  No, I don’t mean making it all about you, putting your name on every package under the tree or lighting up the yard with strands of lights spelling out your name.  I mean, have you made the time to make it personal this year?

I’ve had help doing it.  It started a Sunday or two back when a certain song was played prior to worship service.  No, not a Christmas song.  It was this song written by Tommy Walker…

I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hands

I have a Father
He calls me His own
He’ll never leave me
No matter where I go

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I cry

That’s Whose birth we’re celebrating.  He is Who the season is all about.  His coming to earth as a baby is the reason for the festivities, cantatas, plays and midnight candlelight services.  This Promise fulfilled is our hope, peace, love and joy.

This Baby, who knew—and knows our names.

*"He Knows My Name"  Words and Music by Tommy Walker © 1996 Doulos Publishing.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Offer a silent prayer as people enter your church today. Pray that nothing would hinder them from hearing the message of Truth.

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Choir Practice

“And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth” (Revelation 14:3).

We’ve met almost every Sunday afternoon since October.  We’ve braved the ice to join our voices.  We’ve noted in our books how long we hold and when we cut it off short.  We have reviewed and reviewed some of the hardest parts.

Practice is tough.  Training our voices to hit the highs and sink to the lows takes discipline.  Remembering which part, especially if it’s a solo, we’re not to sing is a daunting task.   When to sing quietly and when to raise the roof with our voice takes paying attention to detail.  Watching the music leader instead of the congregation is a lesson in self-control.

But we’ve done it!  We’re ready for a beautifully, wonderful Christmas Sunday morning service.  We’re prepared, practiced and prayed up, to minister in voice.

This morning though, I’m excited to tell you about a choir I’m singing in that’ll top the one this Sunday…

“This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders.  And no one could learn this song except those 144,000 who had been redeemed…”  Revelation 14:3 NLT

You see, I’ve not had to pass an audition, learn sheet music or be liked by the conductor–I’m in because I’ve been redeemed by the Blood of Christ!

La, la, la, la….

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray Isaiah 40:31 today for a friend who is weary.

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Anna’s Heart’s Desire

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4-5).

Today’s Scripture is similar to Matthew 6:33.  Anna had her priorities straight. God was setting the stage for her to view His greatest gift.  The long wait would soon be over. Anna would receive the desire of her heart  It is not a coincidence that she just happened to be in the Temple when Joseph and Mary arrived with their newborn son. Remember she spent most of her time there.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC Executive Committee member Amy Johnson as she shines the light of Christ in the school where she works.

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Anna: Prophetess

“And there was one Anna, a prophetess…” (Luke 2:36a).

According to biblical sources, “the role of prophet or prophetess was to proclaim God’s word in teaching, reproving, correcting and training in righteousness.”  In all the four gospels, Anna was the only prophetess mentioned.  Anna definitely had the credentials, but even if she hadn’t been given this honor, she faithfully served God.  She probably encountered people who didn’t receive her prophecies, but, it didn’t prevent her from speaking the truths of God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Around the globe, believers are joining in Christmas outreach events. Pray that many lost people will hear the gospel and believe.

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Anna, Woman of Prayer

“…but served God with fastings and prayers night and day”  (Luke 2:37b).

Anna believed in the power of prayer.  She devoted time in the Temple with “fastings and prayers night and day.”  God was the center of her joy.  She sacrificed time and energy while awaiting the coming of the Messiah. She wholeheartedly lived her faith and diligently prayed His coming would happen in her lifetime. Will you follow Anna’s example in prayer today?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for residents of local care facilities who are celebrating Christmas void of family. Pray about making a visit.

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Anna, Woman of Faith

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Anna was a woman of faith.   She would be rewarded for her faith before she left this world. She accepted His blessings and understood the necessity of living by faith. She wasn’t looking for any rewards; she loved God and wanted to please Him. She had hope in the promise of the Messiah.  She had faith she would see this prophecy fulfilled.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Begin praying today for next Sunday’s service at your church. Pray that someone would receive the gift of salvation.

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