Sin Begats Sin

“And David sent messengers and took her, and she came unto him, and he lay with her…” (2 Samuel 11:4a).

It’s one thing to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but with David, his staying in Jerusalem went from lust to adultery and finally the demise of Bathsheba’s husband Uriah.  Sin is likened to a cancerous sore.  What starts out as something so small can grow into something you won’t be able to live with any more. You can banish the discouragement within yourself by breaking the cycle of sin. By the power of a loving God, you can find joy and peace once again.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Do something special for your pastor and family on Valentine’s Day. Show them you love them, then spend extra time in prayer for them.

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Tough to Endure

…”But David tarried still at Jerusalem” (2 Samuel 11:1b).

Our study writer shifts to another form of discouragement.  She states “personal sin is one of the hardest disappointments to endure.”  I looked at this as if you or I had become the prodigal.  Sin begins as seemingly harmless but can grow into something that will take us farther from God than we ever intended to go.

The portion of the above verse marks the outset of David’s great sin. Some may have wondered what the big deal was about of David not going to battle with the other kings.  The phrase “being in the wrong place at the wrong time” may come to our minds, but, at the time, not to David’s.  The words “if only” were going to fill an afterthought for him.

When we do wrong and it doesn’t seem to bother us, we foolishly ask ourselves, “was that really so bad?” As we gradually choose to continue in sin, we learn the hard way the answer to that question.  The Holy Spirit has convicted us and we become discouraged within ourselves.   Thank God!  He hasn’t abandoned you!  Run to Him no matter how tough it may seem to forgive yourself.   He loves you and doesn’t want you to wallow in self-pity.  God will pick up your broken pieces and put you back together again.

Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for home missionaries in the process of remodeling potential meeting places.

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Sunday Post

PRAY TOGETHER: WNAC designates February as Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship month. Pray that women will give faithfully to this special fund.

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On Thin Ice

“And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the LORD” (Joshua 9:14).

Oklahoma winters are comparatively mild. Family and friends, who live farther north, scoff and laugh at our quandary when snow and ice hit our roads. However, when the wind chill is six degrees, or with storms like the ones we’ve experienced these past few winters, our Oklahoma winters do not seem mild—compared to anything.

After one particular storm a couple years ago, I received an early morning phone call from my husband, informing me of the hazardous road conditions. He had passed many wrecks and cars off the road. The rainy drizzle during the night and very early morning hours, had frozen on roadways, bridges and overpasses, as well as sidewalks and porches. Knowing we had many errands that day, he wanted to make sure we knew what we would be facing. I did appreciate the heads up and heeded the advice as I stepped out onto the front porch.

At first glance the porch appeared normal, as did the front sidewalk and driveway. But upon further examination, I noticed a snowflake-like pattern on the porch. As I placed one foot upon it, keeping the other foot firmly upon the welcome mat, I learned, very quickly that it was, indeed, slippery. A very thin sheet of ice covered the porch, sidewalk, and driveway. If he had not warned me, and I had not considered the information, I probably would have walked out onto the porch and met a disastrous end—literally. When the time came to leave for school and errands, we did so with a different perspective and respect for the concrete beneath us. I appreciated my husband’s morning advice.

Has anyone ever told you that you were “on thin ice” or that you were “skating on thin ice”? The phrase usually refers to the dangers of skating on a partially frozen lake or pond. In our case, the thin ice was somethingwe could not even see. If we had gone out onto the concrete boldly prancing around, it would have been because we did not know the ice was there. We were not daring the ice to break under us, but rather, we were ignorant of the circumstances.

The “thin ice” we encountered reminded me of how often we find ourselves on that thin covering of ice in our lives. We seem to just plod and plow right into circumstances without checking what is underneath us. Counsel from the Word of God and from wise Christians often times will point out those places where we might encounter some thin ice.

In Joshua 9, the people of Gibeon tricked Joshua and his leaders into a peace treaty. Joshua did not seek wisdom from God, because, after all, how could a peace treaty be bad business? Verse fourteen, confirms that the men did not seek counsel from God. Because of this, they were saddled with an embarrassing alliance and angry people. The Message says it like this: The men of Israel looked them over and accepted the evidence. However, they did not ask God about it.

The external evidence may not be the correct view. We must never assume. We must always be in communion with our Father so that faith and wisdom can take over. Only then, we can finish the tasks that God gives us. Then we will be able to live our lives, in His way, in His time, and for His purpose.

In practical terms, the new job offer may seem what we want on the surface. However, will we find ourselves on a slippery path when we step out onto a thin sheet of ice? Will we be asked to perform tasks and duties that compromise our character and conviction as a child of God? Maybe a relationship seems innocent, at first, but as we get farther into the path, we hit icy spots that might throw us into a whirl. We may lose control on thin ice. How many people who thought they could handle driving on ice, have gone too fast and experienced devastating results? When we find ourselves in a situation—dangerous from the beginning—yet plow into it full speed ahead, can we not expect the same devastation?

Wherever we find ourselves, let us always seek His voice and then heed His words. If we hear, but do not heed, we are doomed to slip and maybe even fall.

Back to my Oklahoma winter day—the sun shone that afternoon, and the temperature rose into the low 20’s. It was a beautiful day. I finished all my errands and returned safely home. I’m so glad (at least this time) I listened to my husband.

Tracy Payne

PRAY TOGETHER: Select a prayer partner from your WAC group and pray together for TWG’s daily requests.

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The Foolishness of the Prodigal

“Be not wise in thine own eyes…” (Proverbs 3:7a).

The prodigal was so sure of himself.  He felt he had it made and nothing was going to go wrong.  How foolish he was to think he wouldn’t fall and his pride would take a beating.  Not to add on more discouragement, but often times a prodigal has to hit rock bottom before they realize how wrong they have been.  They don’t always see the foolishness of their ways right away.  Praying for them is vital for you and them.  The prodigal hadn’t been aware of the fact his father hadn’t given up on him.  The key is you can’t give up either.  You don’t have to condone what they are doing, but you can’t stop loving or praying for them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: URUGUAY: Ask God to prepare Deacon Dodson for all-day kindergarten starting in March. He will probably be the youngest in his class.

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Advice for the Prodigal

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Chances are the prodigal may have learned today’s verses in Sunday school years ago.  How his father wished he would call these into remembrance.  Instead his son chose to forget any teachings from his father or anyone else.  He was living in the fast lane and not looking back to see the tears in his father’s eyes.

You may have been there or are may be there now.  You may wonder how knowing what you would share if only you could talk some sense into your prodigal can be of any help.  I firmly believe if a child has been taught the Word and then chooses to stray from it, he or she will not entirely forget this teaching.  It may not happen right away, but, that child will recall what he or she has learned (Proverb 22:6).  Keep praying, and  in time, you may just get the opportunity to share your heart.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the WNAC office team as they seek God’s best in this new year.

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The Pain of Disappointment

“And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living” (Luke 15:13).

Yesterday we saw a picture of a very disappointed father.  He was obviously very sad as his son went away.  His son had been so insistent on leaving and becoming his own man.  I think the father’s disappointment deepened as he might have had some premonition of what could happen to his son.  If he felt he could go to his son and reason with him that would ease the pain.  However, he knew he wouldn’t listen to any advice he wanted to give him. He didn’t listen before he left. He probably would turn a deaf ear now as well.  When disappointments hit us as parents, our instincts often overshadow our need to go to God with them. Our next devotion will concern what the father might have liked to share.
Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God will grant Steve and Judy Lytle good health, stamina, wisdom and spiritual focus as they administer, teach and supervise the Chame Seminary campus.

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