Begin thinking now about what you will do for Thanksgiving that will show God’s love to someone. There are many around us who are in need of His love, His healing, and His comfort.

Pray Together: Pray for the FWBBC Ketteman Student Scholarship Drive during the month of December.

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Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.


When I was growing up (well…I still am!) I was always getting into trouble with my parents for talking too much. My older sisters never wanted me tagging along because I talked constantly and usually said the wrong thing at the wrong time. I always offered the argument that if God didn’t want me to talk; He would not have given me a mouth. I admit—that wasn’t the best thing to tell Mom sometimes.


Now that I have gotten all “adult” (yeah…uh-huh…) I have had the privilege of reading my Bible for myself and seeing the pattern throughout Proverbs and into the rest of the Old Testament and of course into the New Testament. Controlling one’s tongue is a hard thing to master. Talking too much is not just about gossip—although that is serious. Talking too much is also about discretion—knowing when to listen in a conversation. Knowing when “speaking your mind” is unacceptable and inappropriate. One does not have to always give an answer for everything. My Mother always says, “You don’t have to have the last word.”

Karyn Pugh



Pray Together: Today is the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. Observe and remember Christian brothers and sisters worldwide.

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Making a Difference

“And the hand of the children of Israel prospered” (Judges 4:24a).


Due to one woman’s faith, courage, and commitment, the battle was won! Even a relatively unknown woman named Jael was used to finish off Sisera. This led to an end of the oppression Israel faced at that time.


You think you can’t do much for the cause of Christ, but you can. Try encouraging and enlisting others to join in your efforts. You may surprise yourself what you can do within your church and community. Desire to make a difference!


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Remember the Carney, Collins, Crowe, Dodson and Outlaw families who are all involved in language study.

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Deborah – Portrait of Courage

“And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine hand; is not the Lord gone out before thee?” (Judges 4:14a).


Deborah and Barak were on a mission but I think Deborah’s faith and courage was the greater of the two. She was trusting God for the outcome. In her mind she saw the victory because she believed God had advanced to the battle before them. This obviously convinced Barak to get over himself and lead her army. Faith, courage, and fierce determination are “weapons” we, too, can use to be persuasive in our community. We, as an “army” of women can bring about changes for the good.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray that Christian women will uphold Christ in their workplace.

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Deborah – Woman of Action

“And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour” (Judges 4:9a).


Deborah was a great leader because she knew how to delegate. However, it was obvious she would never ask anyone to do anything she herself wasn’t willing to do. This was proved when she asked Barak to lead an army against the evil Sisera. He respected Deborah enough to be honest with her about any concerns he might have had. He needed her support, faith, and wisdom. How did Deborah respond? She sprung into action. She lent a new meaning to the phrase, “woman active for Christ.” She was willing to trust God and carry out His commands. She also reminded Barak that when they won the battle, he wouldn’t receive any honor. God was going to receive the glory.


Women, we must first be faithful to trust and obey God in our churches then carry that out into our community. We can make a difference if we are willing to be active for Christ.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for new WNAC Executive Committee Members, Amy Johnson (IL) and Pam Hackett (SC).


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Deborah – A Shining Example

“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time” (Judges 4:4).


Deborah is an example of a woman who was greatly used by God in her community. According to one commentary I read she was a “wife, mother, prophetess, judge, poetess, singer, and political leader.”  She is the picture of a woman who used her talents and power for the good of her community. Today’s verse states she was the wife of a man named Lapidoth. We wouldn’t even know about him if it weren’t for Deborah. He was honored and respected because he was married to a godly woman.


We may never be called to accomplish the things Deborah did, but if we surrender all we have and are to Jesus, He can help us make a difference in our community.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: A creative Access worker is experiencing health problems. Pray for wisdom concerning future ministry.

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Be A Light

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).


Our November Bible study will be dealing with our calling “In the Community.”  First of all, what is a community? The dictionary defines it as “a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.” We all live in a community. Can those we meet day after day see His light shining through us?


In today’s society, we often isolate ourselves because of what is going on in our own little world. We don’t seem to have time and tend not to trust people. Are we guilty of using these excuses for not letting our light shine? Whether it’s a neighbor or anyone else we come in contact with, they need to see God’s love in us. People everywhere need the Lord and His light to penetrate the darkness of sin. So, shine!


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for FWBHM’s Mission: North America Offering slated for November 22.

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