The Call to Listen

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a).


How can we “listen” if we seldom still ourselves in His presence? God wants to speak to us in every phase of church worship. Are you listening? Or are other things making you turn a “deaf ear” to what He wants to say to you? Often times the events preceding us walking into church can be a hindrance to our being still and knowing God is ready to meet with us.


We have touched briefly on what is involved as we answer the call to go to church and the reasons we should go. Once we understand God’s plan for the church, we can begin to see how we can get more involved in what God intended church to be. We, as women, can find our place. Once we do, it’s time for us to become active in His work.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for unity as women “labor together” in different capacities.

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The Call to Learn

“Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths” (Psalm 25:4).


Another part of assembling for church is found in the word “learn.” Some of today’s churches are placing more emphasis on praise and worship. However, it is important that praise and worship only be part of why we attend. We should desire Him to meet with us in services as we learn more about Him and His Word. We can only stay on the path He has for us when we allow Him to show us His ways.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: E-mail is a great tool—but so is a handwritten note or card. Encourage someone today with an uplifting word, a thank you or a “just thinking about you message. Pray as you send.

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The Call to Praise

“Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee” (Psalm 63:3).     


We have so much for which to praise God. Whether we thank Him in song, instrumental music, or prayer, praise should be a part of our worship. Miriam was a praise leader among women. She wasn’t shy about raising her voice, making music or dancing in praise to God. This was an outpouring of the joy felt in celebration of God’s deliverance at the Red Sea. This wasn’t done for show, but was done because that kind of joy just couldn’t be contained! No matter what our circumstances, we have so many blessings for which we are called to give God praise.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for the leaders of children’s programs in churches worldwide.

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The Call to Worship

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker” (Psalm 95:6).


Our verse speaks of humbling ourselves before the Lord. Even if we can’t physically do this, we can humble our hearts before God. We must be willing to show our adoration for Him. He is worthy of our worship. If we recognize Him as our Holy Creator, we stand in awe of Him. As we accept God’s calling in the church, we will empty ourselves of any distractions that would hinder our worship. It may mean parking the cares of this life outside before entering the sanctuary.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: JAPAN: Pray for the Japan Field Council as they meet October 6-9.

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The Call to Assemble

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).


This month we will have the theme of “God’s Calling in the Church.” Once saved we should feel the call to assemble in a fundamental church for the following purposes: to worship, praise, learn, and listen. As important as fellowship with other Christians is to us, these four are even more so. We will be sharing how each plays a vital part in our calling in the church. By the third week of our Bible study, we will endeavor to touch on some of the core issues that confront today’s women in the church.


Today’s verse has a sense of urgency about it. We are admonished to make meeting as a body of believers a priority especially as we fast approach the coming of our Lord. Christ needs to be the main focus of our going to church. Next we should do what we can to edify and encourage one another. Unless we are providentially hindered we should seize every opportunity to assemble.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Praise God for this beautiful season when His brush of many colors is evident.

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Pray Together: Pray for MKs who are experiencing serious health problems – heavy trials in such young lives.

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A Goodly Heritage

The world around us seems to prosper while it seems God’s people are struggling from day to day. Words of encouragement are often sparse, even among brothers and sisters in Christ. When we are discouraged, and those around us become discouraged also, we must remember to go to God’s Word for comfort, courage and continuity. That is where we can find true encouragement. 


The Psalms are a collection of very emotional writings. Some of them lift us and others help us with our feelings of conviction, depression, and loneliness. In Psalm 16:5-6, the Psalmist is encouraging us as he writes, “The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.”


Such a statement can only encourage those of us who feel we have been “left out” of the worldly inheritance around us. The inheritance and portion that God has for us is much better and much better for us. It is perfect, and the boundaries of our inheritance are far reaching, but only to that which is good and perfect.


We have chosen to trust God, but even more amazing, is that He has chosen us! He has blessed us with a goodly heritage. He not only has blessed us with this heavenly inheritance, but He also is guarding it. All that we have is His, “thou maintainest my lot.”  


Father, thank You for Your blessings. Help me to see Your hand as it guards me. Help me to show Your wonderful inheritance and protection to those You bring into my life.


Tracy Payne


Pray Together: BRAZIL: Pray today for the Marincek church as they hold a special couples night (dinner, devotions, games and fellowship).

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