What WAC Means to Me

I just became a member of WNAC about a year ago, but I have always been around it and heard about it because of my mother and grandmother. They have both been involved in WAC for years. When Mrs. Danita came to our state meeting to speak, she said “Bloom where He has planted you.” To me, WAC is the place that helps us all to bloom. Through prayer support, fellowship with other Christian ladies, Bible study, missions education…WNAC has helped me find places that I can serve and be used by God! And the most precious thing about WAC is the friendships that I have formed with the ladies in my local, district, state and national WNAC groups. I have been so blessed to have other ladies in my group take me in and mentor me. To me, WNAC is a refuge and a support system. It is so much more than a club – it’s a lifestyle and I feel so blessed to be able to participate in such an amazing organization and to serve with so many other amazing women!

Christina Hopper

PRAY TOGETHER: Keep the elderly residing in nursing homes close to your heart in prayer.

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What WAC Means to Me

I joined WAC back in 1967 when it was known as Woman’s Auxiliary. At that time you only joined once you got married. I’m glad that has changed, and single women are welcome to join. I remember the standard of achievement and all that our Auxiliary accomplished by using it. As time went by, Auxiliary became more flexible in its rules but never in its purpose. It has always existed to help women find their place in the Great Commission.


I liked the changing of Woman’s Auxiliary to WAC because it better emphasizes what we, as FWB women, are to be—Women Active for Christ. In prayer, action and study, we must stay active in the service of the Lord. Missions is the heart of WAC. We must always be willing to pray, give or go to promote the gospel.


Through the Creative Arts Contest that WNAC sponsors each year, I found God’s will for my life. I may not be a prolific writer, but since 1973, God has given me opportunities to use writing as a tool of ministry.


Through the years in WAC I have been privileged to serve in various capacities on the local and district level. For the past year I have been writing devotions for the Together With God blog. This has helped me dig deeper into God’s Word. None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t taken advantage of the opportunities of service available to me (and women just like me) through WAC.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for and encourage the directors of our FWB Children’s Homes.

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What WNAC Means to Me

It has changed my life. I have made so many friends from all different places through WNAC. This organization helps women see their full potential and use their gifts and talents for the Lord. I have seen ladies grow and step out and do things they never would have done before if it hadn’t been for the prayers and encouragement of Women Active for Christ. I love WAC, and I encourage ladies of every age to get involved or to start a local chapter at their church. It will be a blessing.


Sandy Forman



PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Fletcher, editor of our TWG magazine. She carries a heavy load.

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What WNAC Means to Me

The first time I was invited to a local WAC meeting, it made a very important impression on my life. It was at this meeting that I was introduced to the WNAC program. I met dedicated ladies who had a desire to fulfill the Great Commission, spreading the gospel all over the world. WNAC would be the organization that would help them succeed. WNAC is a service organization of FWB women working “together with God” to promote the cause of Christ.


God has given me so many opportunities of sharing Him in meeting our missionaries from all over the world. What a joy it has been to share in their lives as we worship, pray, and fellowship!


One of the most blessed opportunities I had was the privilege to attend through WNAC the first ever Women’s Prayer Retreat in Almaty, Kazakhstan. My life was forever changed by what God did in this conference. What a joy to pray with other ladies who are believers in Jesus Christ! I am so thankful WNAC shares internationally. Christmas JOY is a wonderful opportunity for all ladies to become involved in. It will change and bless your life.


WNAC has provided many opportunities for me to serve God on local, district, state and national levels. Many of my best friends and prayer partners are ladies God has brought into my life through WNAC. I am blessed to be a part.


Our WNAC staff is the best of the best. Danita, Sarah, and Diane are very devoted and dedicated ladies who deserve our support financially and prayerfully.


I am thankful Free Will Baptist women have WNAC.


Shirley Jackson

WNAC Vice-President


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the writers and editors of our Sunday school curriculum.

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What WAC Means to Me

I became involved in WAC in the early 1980’s. From most of that time to the present, I have served as treasurer and secretary of my local auxiliary (now known as WAC). Years ago I was elected district president and served two years.

Over the years I have learned to appreciate God’s missionaries more. I deeply respect those who have served on the mission field for over fifty years. I admire those faithful pioneers. Their dedication to do the will of God has made an impact on my life. I feel I have a greater concern for the lost. I may not be called to go to a foreign field, but I can be a missionary in my own neighborhood.


The fellowship with other women over the years has really meant a lot to me. District meetings, retreats and other events have helped me bond with women as we meet together for a time of mission emphasis, prayer, program and fellowship. I am grateful for the WAC women who have made a difference in my life.


Camille Thiele



PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today as churches around the world begin plans for VBS.

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What WAC Means to Me

Women Active For Christ…why, that’s just the normal things a Christian Lady does in her everyday life, regardless of her age, life-style, education, background & social position. A Christian lady shares Christ in her walk, her talk, her actions and her reactions.

That’s what I tried to do in Africa. That’s what I try to do in America. Allow God to work through me—just the way He made me, but placing emphasis on being willing and permitting Him to be clearly seen through me.
To me, WAC ladies mean I have faithful, prayer partners all over the world who support not only my husband and me, but the believers with whom we are honored to live/work.

WAC means I have lovely silverware, drinking glasses (both glass and Tupperware), Corelle dishes, sturdy pressure cookers that get used daily; beautiful towels, sheets (for the beds and also for window curtains). It means free access to the Provision Closet–now named the Lucille Steward Provision Closet in honor of one woman from Michigan who so freely gave of herself, her time and her talents to keep it well stocked. If I have a need that cannot be found in the Provision Closet there are gift cards. Wow! Thanks to everyone who shares in this way.


WAC is also about our TWG magazine. The studies and youth page are great, along with the photos sharing ideas of what other groups are doing.

WAC, to me, is Christian sisters helping each other in biblical, practical ways. I am so grateful to be in God’s family and have so many sisters.
Carol Pinkerton

Missouri (formerly Côte d’Ivoire)

PRAY TOGETHER: As we observe Memorial Day, pray for those who gave their lives for us.

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mountains-flowersFrom the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation’s revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

lightning1Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
You are amazing God

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God
You are amazing God

This is a beautiful and biblically rich song by Chris Tomlin. If you don’t know it, ask one of the youth that attended the NYC Teen services a few years back to help you learn it or google it online. We need to sing God’s praises more. It will help us to realize just how majestic He is.

Diane Conn


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for WAC groups in just about every field where Free Will Baptists serve. Who knows when one of our local women will fill one of these places?

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