Have you invited your friends, family, and neighbors to join you in celebrating the Risen Savior?

PRAY TOGETHER: Georgia’s WAC Prayer Retreat is this coming weekend (April 17-18). Pray that God would empower missionary speaker Debbie Griffin.

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Early Rising of Jesus

“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him” (Luke 2:40).


Before I begin my devotional thoughts for today, let us pause to remember why Jesus came to earth in human form. Everything I will share beyond today will lead up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. Thank God He was willing to live on this earth just like us. He went through every phase of life, without sin. First He was made flesh, which would later lead to Him being made sin for us. There will never be a greater manifestation of love.


It’s often hard to imagine Jesus as a little boy growing up in Nazareth. From a human standpoint He was like any other boy. He ran, jumped, played with other kids, skinned His knees, and would learn values to help Him grow physically and emotionally. Mary witnessed all of this and did her best to be a good Mom for Him.


The fifth week of our Bible study we will see Mary at the Cross and share about her last appearance in the Scriptures. Don’t wait until then to reflect on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Use this weekend to commemorate the hope we all have in risen Savior!


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  DAY FIVE: Pray today for Kimura Keiichi, pastor and FWB leader in Japan.

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The Marvel of Proud Parents

“And Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him” (Luke 2:33).


The scene of Simeon in the temple holding Jesus in his arms is a precious one. Simeon not only pronounced blessings but he gave some prophecy as well. Simeon’s prophecy will be looked at in a later devotion. Mary and Joseph had to have beamed with pride at the things that were said of their firstborn son. Some things they may not have understood at the time. Other comments just made them marvel. Remember when you brought your first child to church. Oh, the joy and pride you felt. It showed in your face. Mary and Joseph reacted just like we did. The only difference was their child was also going to become their Savior.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  DAY FOUR: Pray today for Gerardo Acevedo, pastor and FWB leader in Uruguay.

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Presented to the Lord

“And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord” (Luke 2:22).


According to Jewish law, Mary had to wait forty days, for her purification, before going to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice. When the waiting period was over, Mary and Joseph went to the temple and presented their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus, in His earthly form, conformed to earthly laws and customs. His parents would help Him as He went through every phase of life on earth.


It’s important to start early bringing your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Even if they should stray when they get older, you have laid a strong foundation for them they will never forget (Proverbs 22:6).


Mary and Joseph were taught the truths of God’s Word at an early age. They simply passed on to Jesus what they had learned. This is a great example for parents today.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  DAY THREE: Pray today for Stanley RajKumar, who is training FWB pastors in South India.

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Mary Reflects

“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).


When I thought of this verse, I pictured Mary taking some “me” time after Jesus’ birth. So much was happening. By the time the shepherds came and visited her baby, Mary needed a little time to herself. Like most new Moms she was probably sleep-deprived and you know she couldn’t have been too comfortable in her surroundings. I believe she took whatever free moments she could to reflect on God’s blessings. One of them was lying there in a lowly manger.


On a day when your future seems uncertain, look around and reflect on God’s goodness and mercy. Keep them in your heart when you need the strength to keep going.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  DAY TWO: Today let’s intercede for Gilles, leader of the newly formed Free Will Baptist National Association in France.

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Mary Becomes a Mom

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7).


The people of Nazareth were not going to be as kind as Elisabeth. There would be questions and idle gossip to deal with. The man Mary was going to marry didn’t take the news of her pregnancy well until an angel appeared to him. Joseph was a godly man and did right by Mary. A lesser man would have judged her harshly and sent her on her way. Their love for God and each other was going to help this couple’s marriage survive. True love when it is tested only makes it stronger. They would need that strength to overcome difficult times.


In spite of the rugged journey to Bethlehem and no room in the inn for them, we see prior hardships vanish when they hold sweet Jesus in their arms. Picture the look on Mary’s face as she looked into the face of her son, Jesus, for the first time. Remember the emotional rush you had when you held your firstborn. Nothing prior to that mattered. You were holding a precious child that would one day call you, “Mommy.” It was no different with Mary except she was embracing the only begotten Son of God.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  DAY ONE: Pray today for Jerome Kambou, president of the Ivorian National Association.

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“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Remember the saying, “When all else fails, pray.” Isn’t that backwards? Shouldn’t we pray first? Then we shouldn’t worry about failing; just let God take care of His part. We, as Christians, often get things wrong. We try to “fix” everything and then when we fail, we take the destroyed remains to our Father and say, “Here, now You fix it.”

Let’s try doing it right the first time and see what God will do. It may just save some time and worry.

Diane Conn


PRAY TOGETHER: Prepare your hearts now as we enter the WNAC PreEaster Week of Prayer.

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