PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for family and others we know who are struggling with the dreaded diagnosis of cancer. Ask God to give His peace in the lives of those affected.

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Unplanned Pregnancy

“And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and said, I am with child” (2 Samuel 11:5).


In spite of how it happened, Bathsheba had to feel a sense of panic when this was confirmed. She hadn’t been with her husband since he was off in battle. People would know the baby didn’t belong to Uriah. David didn’t think his night of passion with Bathsheba would result in her becoming pregnant. These two had had an adulterous fling. This was no longer all about them. There was an innocent baby on the way. Bathsheba and David are at a point when they must decide what they are going to do. The turn of events show their obvious turn away from God.


I used this back in January when I did the devotions about Tamar. It seemed appropriate to close this week’s study with this quote: “Sin will take you deeper than you ever wanted to go, keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay and will affect more people than you want it to.” David is going to learn the truth of this the hard way and Bathsheba is going to be affected.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for the health needs of Panama missionary Eddie Bowerman.

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The Basics of Sin

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 John 2:16).


The three elements mentioned in our verse today are all found in the sin committed by Bathsheba and David. They are the same elements that cause us to sin as well. We can say it will never happen to us. We are close to God and commune with Him daily. Though you could say this about David, when faced with lust and pride, he caved in. Be grounded in the Word so you can fight against the devil. The Word is our best weapon when we find ourselves in a compromising situation. The things mentioned in our verse are used to get you to yield to temptation. Draw ever closer to God; He can give you strength to overcome the things of this world.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Let’s begin praying for the annual WMO (World Missions Offering). WNAC’s Laura Belle Barnard Offering is part of this endeavor.

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Wrong Place and Time

“And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house” (2 Samuel 11:4).


Allow me to backtrack a moment. David chose to stay home instead of going out to battle with his men. He gets restless and goes outside to get a breath of fresh night air. He looks down from atop of his roof and sees this beautiful woman taking a bath. He may have loved God and been the king, but he was human. He should have turned away and went back to his room, but, the lust in his heart wouldn’t let him. David and Bathsheba ended up acting on their lust. Both were at fault for being somewhere they never should have been no matter what the time.


David sent messengers to get her. She could have risked her life and refused the king’s request. Bathsheba went to the king at his bidding and she did not resist him. They lived for the moment not too concerned about what tomorrow would bring. There are going to be repercussions from this, but, for now they were oblivious to that fact. That’s how it is with sin. You enjoy it for a season, but the end result will always be disastrous.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  March’s Together in the Word study is a difficult but much needed one. Pray earnestly that lives will be pricked to the sensitivity of this temptation.

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The Infamous “Bath”

“And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon” (2 Samuel 11:2).


A beautiful, married woman is bathing herself after her time of monthly purification. She wasn’t encased in a tub or shower with a locked door to a bathroom. She was out on the flat top roof of her dwelling. Anyone with lust in their heart could have looked down and seen her bathing. She hadn’t had any problems before now so, if anything, she may have been a little too trusting. I only question where her handmaidens were at this time. After her cleansing, she would be very fertile. Why would she deliberately invite trouble? Tomorrow we will share what happens after the “bath.”


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: The 37th year of the Seminary/Bible Institute in Ribeirao Preto begins in March. Praise the Lord for this Institute and pray for God’s continued blessing.

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Who was Bathsheba?

“And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah, the Hittite?” (2 Samuel 11:3).


Today marks the beginning of our study of a woman named Bathsheba. The mere mention of her name brings raised eyebrows and a sneer. Bathsheba was the beautiful daughter of Eliam who was a member of an elite warrior group. Her grandfather was Ahitophel, a military counselor of King David. Lastly, she was married to Uriah, a high-ranking professional soldier. Other than her beauty and being part of a military family, we know very little about her background. Tomorrow we will see what we all seem to remember most about her. Her story beyond that is shrouded with much conjecture. Often times we are too quick to judge a person without knowing any or all of the facts. God doesn’t categorize or condone sin, but sent His Son to die for the penalty of it. As we share in our Bible study and devotions, we are going to peel away the darkened layers of Bathsheba’s life. We will reveal a portrait of God’s redeeming grace. We may not have committed what we call blatant sins, but, we, too, are pictures of sinners saved by grace.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Prayer and financial support is critical during this time for the various ministries of FWB Home Missions Department.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Join in prayer with the International Missions Leadership Team as they meet March 2-6.

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