Sit and Wait

“Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day” (Ruth 3:18).

As much as Ruth and Boaz have pledged their love and want to be married, we can’t go buying any rice to throw just yet. If they were going to be married, the issue of the levirate law must be resolved. Boaz was first a kinsman. Soon he was going to have to add the word “redeemer” to that title. There was a nearer kinsman who could have changed the ending of our story.

It was believed there was a waiting period for all transactions to be completed. Naomi basically told Ruth to sit tight and be patient. Waiting of any kind is the hardest thing to do. You have probably heard the expression, “good things come to those who wait.”

Naomi assured Ruth that Boaz was probably as eager to finalize things as she was. It didn’t make the wait easier, but, her patience would be rewarded. God always wants what is best for us. Many times we can make a mess of things if we aren’t willing to wait upon Him. Trust God in all things even if you have to wait a while for an answer.

Sue Winchester


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for summer youth camps in Brazil during Carnaval, February 21-24.

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Who Art Thou, My Daughter?

“And when she came to her mother in law, she said, Who art thou, my daughter? And she told her all the man had done to her” (Ruth 3:16).


The people of the city might not have known about the threshingfloor incident, but Naomi was going to be privy to the truth. Try to picture Ruth slipping back home after being out all night. She was happy as a lark and excited to share with Naomi. She probably felt a bit anxious when Naomi asked her the question posed in the title of today’s devotion. Naomi could have been like some mothers who might have rephrased that question as “where have you been all night, young lady?” As concerned as Naomi may have been, she had advised Ruth what she should do. Of course she wanted to know details!


Think back to when you fell in love and were asked to marry. It was a time of mixed emotions. If you were fortunate to still have your Mom with you, it was great to be able to talk things over with her. I don’t think it was any different with Ruth and Naomi.


Sue Winchester


PRAY TOGETHER: February reminds us of hearts. Do a self-check to see if your heart needs a touch from the Great Physician. Pray for any you know who may need an adjustment.

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Word Is Going Around

“…for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman” (Ruth 3:11b).

As we see the events unfold in Ruth chapter 3, there could have been some vicious gossip going around if people learned Ruth had spent the night at the threshingfloor at the feet of Boaz. However, the word on the street, Ruth was a “virtuous woman.” Ruth did not have to worry about what people thought or said because she had a good reputation. She may have been stranger in Naomi’s homeland but people respected her.

I feel if people in the city had found out about Ruth’s meeting at the threshingfloor, they probably wouldn’t have believed it. Our reputation and testimony for the Lord should be such that people won’t be spreading ugly gossip about us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for caregivers of elderly parents or disabled family members. This is probably a lonely season of life.

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Acting on Sage Advice

“And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do. And she went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her” (Ruth 3:5-6).

It was obvious how much Boaz loved Ruth. It was up to Ruth what would happen next. Naomi was going to have to give Ruth a little nudge. She advised her on what to do. It was up to Ruth to accept or reject her advice. Anything Naomi told her was not going to defame her character in any way. What happened at the threshingfloor might have seemed a little bold on Ruth’s part. Remember, God was there. Nothing would happen that wasn’t meant to be. If anything, it was like Ruth was proposing to Boaz. As startled as he was to find her lying at his feet, Boaz had to be thrilled she was finally making her intentions known to him! She wanted him to marry her according to God’s law. How Boaz handled things the rest of the night was very honorable. If Ruth had any more doubts or insecurities, they were gone. She didn’t regret her decision to follow the wise advice of Naomi.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember Cleo Pursell in your prayers as she celebrates her 91st birthday today.

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“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10).

I remember the weekend before I graduated from high school very well. We had gathered around the breakfast table on Sunday morning like we had always done before. Only this time, there was a kitchen towel covering a small box in front of my chair. When I lifted the towel, I saw a beautiful sterling silver jewelry box with Proverbs 31:10 engraved on the top. When I opened the box, my parents had bought me a ruby ring to wear on my left hand. This ring was to symbolize many things. It meant they felt I was a virtuous woman. It also served as a reminder that even though I would be graduating from high school the next week and moving on to college, the beliefs and values they had taught me growing up would still apply to my life.

Looking back to that day, I don’t believe I approached that gift with the attitude I should have. After studying more in depth the “Proverbs 31 Woman,” I have come to realize the statement my parents were making. They wanted me to see that not only had I become a young woman they loved, respected, and were proud of, I had become a young woman God had always loved and would always love no matter what.

As I approach yet another change in my life (graduation from Free Will Baptist Bible College), I am reminded again of the reflection my life shows. I still desire to be the virtuous woman that King Lemuel’s mother described in Proverbs. I want my life to be worth so much more. I am constantly reminded of that passage every day as I look to my left hand ring finger, where that same Ruby ring still sits.

Mallory White (VA)
Student at Free Will Baptist Bible College

PRAY TOGETHER: Always remember to pray for pastors and deacons as they lead our churches.

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His Love!?

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Do you think you could ever do anything that was good enough to deserve what Christ did for you on Calvary? When you were at your worst level, most undesirable state, He came to earth, lived a godly life, and then went to the cross on Mount Calvary with much love in His heart and each of us on His mind. I am sure He never thought, “Well maybe one day when she finally gets all her kids to behave and house straightened up, I’ll get nailed to this cross for her.” That is completely insane!

Jesus chose to go to Mount Calvary when you least deserved it. He went in the darkness of your sin, and the weak moments of your faith. So open your heart today and freely accept what He has given to you—His grace, love, and forgiveness.

Mallory White (VA)
Student at Free Will Baptist Bible College

PRAY TOGETHER:  Continue to pray for WNAC Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Danita High, as she leads our women. Let her know how much you appreciate her work.

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What Happens at a Threshingfloor?

“And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whose maidens thou wast? Behold, he winnoweth barley tonight in the threshingfloor” (Ruth 3:2).

Something special is going to take place tonight, but, if you’re like me, you need to understand a couple words, “threshingfloor” and “winnoweth.”

A threshingfloor was a place covered at the top, but open elsewhere; whither Ruth or anyone else might easily come.

Winnowing is done to separate the chaff from the grain by means of a current of air. It is done to sift out the good from anything bad. Once the work was done, there would be a time of feasting. According to one commentary I read, after the men ate and drank their fill they would stay with the grain until morning. They would form a circle on the floor and place themselves as if they were spokes on a wheel. It seemed like an uncomfortable way to sleep through the night. However, after Boaz falls asleep, he is going to have a secret visitor.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Don’t forget to pray for your special Valentine and share how much this person means to you.

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