Ditch the Rags—Be Clothed in His Righteousness

“And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 4:24).

The next part of our armor is the “breastplate of righteousness.”  In Bible times, the breastplate shielded a soldier’s heart and other vital organs. To leave off the breastplate could be fatal.  For the Christian, it is His righteousness that guards our hearts from Satan’s attacks.
Our righteousness is like “filthy rags.”  Our writer states, “At salvation, Christ forgave our sins, changed our old sinful nature, and clothes us with His righteousness.”  Ditch the rags.  Put on His righteousness and watch Satan flee.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC editor Sarah Fletcher as she works on the 2013-2014 Program and Plan Book.

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A Necessary Accessory

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

The belt or girdle described in Ephesians 6, fit around the waist and hips, holding other parts of the armor.  Putting this on first secured them.  The “belt of truth” will keep us from being deceived by the Enemy’s lies—lies that kept us in bondage. But Christ has removed those shackles. If we know the Truth and the truth of His Word, we will understand the necessity of strapping on the belt of truth each day. We are now ready to add on more armor.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that children and teens in your church would come to know and value truth in the midst of this present world of lies. Pray specifically for one or two children you know who are currently struggling with honesty and/or lying.

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Jesus is the Truth

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

I found the following on this link www.seeds-of-eternal-life.org: “The belt of the armor represents Jesus, who He is, and who He is in ME.  I confess He dwells in me and has set me free from Satan’s authority.”  Truly, the more time we spend with Him, the more equipped we will be to fight against Satan’s lies and deceit.  Jesus is everything mentioned in our verse and more. Accept no substitutions..
We will continue tomorrow with more information about the “belt of truth.”   There is a reason why the “belt of truth” is the first item of armor we should put on.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER:  Missionaries Jeff Goodman and Josh Bennett praise the Lord for recent baptisms and good services at the Springs Church in Marana, AZ.  Many people are coming and they see the joy in their eyes, but Satan is working hard. Pray that these new individuals will not be lured and drawn away by the Enemy.


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Put On Your Armor

“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:13-15).

Our March and April studies helped us identify the Enemy and warn us about his tactics and targets. Isn’t it wonderful to know we can have a “War Strategy”?  Our study begins, “By His death, burial, and resurrection, Christ sealed Satan’s defeat and declared Himself Victor.”  It also includes this statement by Henry Blackaby: “Christians can become preoccupied with battling Satan..fighting battles that Christ has already won. If Satan can divert you to wage a warfare that has already ended in surrender, he will have eliminated your effectiveness where God wants you.”

Yes, we have an Enemy, and we must face him daily.  However, we don’t have to face him alone.  Holding to God’s Mighty Hand and following His “battle plan,” His Victory assures us victory. “

We must have a strategy and equip ourselves for battle. In Christ we have everything we need for protection. Ephesians 6  gives us what is called the “armor of God.”  This week we will dwell on the three pieces of armor we are told to put on. These should be attached to us.  In other words, don’t leave home without them.  Leaving off even one piece of our armor will leave us vulnerable for an attack by the Enemy.  As you dress in your armor each day, you are putting on the strength of God. In that strength, we will not be defeated.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that monies and gifts will continue to come in for the WMO, and that others would see the need to give to the cause of world evangelism.

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WNAC: Everything to Me—Sarah Sargent

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).

I grew up attending meetings with my mom and both grandmas, who were leaders in local, district and state WAC. I can’t begin to count how many times my grandma told me, “One day you’ll be doing all this.”

“No, Grandma, not me. I won’t have time for that when I’m out of school,” was my reply every time. Just like Isaiah 55:8 says, my ways are not God’s ways; and my ways weren’t Grandma’s ways, either.

Long story short, Grandma was right. Contrary to my plans, my life went in a totally different direction—and that direction was paved in purple and guided by the letters WAC. Now WAC is my ministry. I serve as president of Ohio WAC, Prayer, Mission and Study chairman for Central Ohio District WAC, and President of Reynoldsburg WAC. I also am the writer of the Somethings column in Treasure, WNAC’s quarterly publication.

WNAC means everything to me. It’s a place for me to learn from my grandma and mom’s generations, like Titus 2 instructs. It’s an opportunity to lead by example—guiding teenage and younger girls. It’s a place to develop friendships with women of all ages from all over the country. Most of all, it is a beautiful organization that allows me to work hand in hand with women I may never meet down here on Earth, but women who together seek to follow and fulfill the command of the Great Commission.


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges as she speaks at the Illinois WAC Meeting today.

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WNAC: Opportunities to Inspire—Sue Winchester

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).

The above Scripture is a favorite of Sue Winchester, writer of the daily devotions for the WNAC blog.  She writes, “ I felt God calling me into a writing ministry in 1973.  It was WNAC that helped confirm this for me. Back then, WNAC was sponsoring a Creative Writing Contest (later changed to Creative Arts Contest.) My very first entry, “Recipe for Happiness” was published in the former Co-Laborer magazine that next year.  Through the years, WNAC has accepted and published many of my contributions. Though my first love was poetry, through the support of WNAC, I have been able to branch out with my writing.  With God’s help, I’ve also written articles, skits and programs.

Through the years I had been blessed to serve as an officer in my local and district WAC in St. Louis. For a couple years after my husband’s passing back in 2005, I wasn’t sure what the future would hold for me. Thanks to Christian women who cared and prayed for me, I understood that “giving up was not an option.”

God was gracious to open up an opportunity that wouldn’t just help me, but could also be a blessing to others. For over five years now, God has given me the strength and wisdom to write the daily devotionals for the WNAC blog.

Beyond WNAC, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to use writing to inspire others. For almost forty years now, I’ve thought of my writing ministry as ‘His pen in my hand.’  I will always be grateful to WNAC for helping me find and fulfill my place in the Great Commission.”

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC editor, Sarah Fletcher, as she attends and seeks to gather new ideas and insights for Treasure at the Evangelical Press Association meeting this week in Nashville. TN.

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WNAC: Together With God—Shirley Jackson

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”  (Psalm 121:1-2).

The above Scripture, along with Philippians 4:13, are favorites of Shirley Jackson.  Shirley is an amazing lady who has served in various offices on the local, district, state and national level of WNAC. Presently she serves as president of her local WAC at Trinity FWB Church. She says this about WNAC.

“WNAC has been one of the greatest things in my life. I have been blessed with all the ways God has used women who are involved in WNAC.  It has been a privilege to be given the privilege of working with women who are committed to sharing the gospel to a lost and dying world.  I’m glad WNAC’s main objective has always been helping women fulfill their place in the Great Commission.

One of the greatest blessings to me and my family has been meeting and sharing our home with missionaries.  We learned quickly to love God’s servants as they fulfill their calling. It has meant so much to have a part in prayer and support at home and around the world.

Another blessing was when I served with ladies in WNAC on a national level. These ladies have such a tender heart for Christ and His kingdom. I made many precious friends, ones who pray for you, cry with you in difficult times, and laugh and rejoice in the good times.

My life would not be complete without WNAC ministry.  I encourage all ladies to become involved in this great ministry.  We can accomplish much “together with God.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Florida Women Active for Christ as they recount the work of God in their women’s groups, make final plans for hosting the upcoming 2013 WNAC Convention, and worship together this weekend at their annual meeting.

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