Jacob and Esau

“And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father.  And he said, Thy brother came with subtlety, and hath taken away thy blessing”  (Genesis 27:34-35).

Jacob and Esau’s conflicts began in the womb.  Esau fought his way out first but he didn’t end up having the birthright.  He sold it to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Of course the fact Jacob was his Mom’s favorite didn’t help make matters better between her two sons. There had been much deception in Jacob receiving Isaac’s blessing.  Isaac trembled when he learned he had been deceived, but confirmed that the blessing would be upon Jacob. Esau, in spite of his pleading, received what was called a common blessing.  He had somehow forgotten how little he had regarded his birthright. If you think this didn’t affect Esau, you would be mistaken.  First, he cried, then he became angry. He wanted to kill his brother, so Jacob had to be on the run for a while for his own safety.  You might wonder where God was in all this conflict. He had to overrule all the bad actions in Genesis 27 to ultimately fulfill His purpose.  However, it wasn’t without consequences for both of these men.

It’s a reality that in families, especially large ones, there will be conflicts. There will be those who think Mom loves one more than the other.  There will be arguments, jealousy, and, at times, desire for revenge.  However, is this the picture of a Christian home where God dwells?  Definitely not.  Satan knows by now he cannot destroy the church, so, he is working overtime to try to destroy homes. We must be on guard s0 he will not destroy ours. Work hard to promote harmony in the home, so the things mentioned above can be resolved in a peaceful way.

Esau finally let go of his hatred of Jacob. However, both faced much adversity to come to a reconciliation.  Don’t let animosity destroy those within your families. Your story might not have a happy ending.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for peace in your family and in families within your congregation. Pray especially for family members who are estranged or not on speaking terms with others.


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Isaac and Abimilech

“And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me, and have sent me away from you?” (Genesis 26:27).

Reading Genesis 26, we see several conflicts.  First, a famine in the land sent Isaac to Gerar.  Isaac, for fear of his life, told king Abimelech, his wife, Rebekah, was his sister.  If you remember, Abraham did that with his wife Sarah as well.  However, telling a lie to avoid conflict could possibly backfire. If Abimelech hadn’t noticed Isaac getting cozy with Rebekah as he looked out his window one day, no telling what might have happened.  Abimelech confronted Isaac and, more or less, asked him why did he lie?  Obviously, he was trying to do what was right in spite of Isaac’s blunder.  Reading between the lines, I believe Isaac must have repented, because we see God blessing him.  Isaac became so prosperous the Philistines envied him. Abimelech told him to take his power and riches and go away. So Isaac went to the valley of Gerar, where, in spite of conflict with the Philistines, Isaac redug some wells of his father Abraham. The Philistines had filled them after Abraham’s death. It isn’t until the end of the chapter that we read how water was discovered and appreciated during this time of famine.   In the midst of conflict, God reassured Isaac of His promise to Abraham, no doubt what he needed to react differently to any unkindness he had faced.

When Isaac met up with Abimelech again, he could not help but ask him why he came (as we see in today’s verse).  Maybe his realization of how much God was blessing Isaac served as a means of both parties resolving their differences.

What do we learn from this story? First, in all relationships be honest.  People may treat us badly, but don’t retaliate. That only leads to further conflict. How we act and react may lead to settling disputes and bringing about harmony.  After all, isn’t that what we are trying to do as body builders?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for a peaceful atmosphere in Free Will Baptist children’s homes throughout the world. Pray that workers and residents would resolve differences and live in harmony as they see God’s blessings.

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Conflict Causes Tension

“From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?  Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (James 4:1-3).

We’ve been working very hard to become good body builders.  One of the issues we have not addressed is found in our June study: “Treating Muscle Tension.”  As you read those words, you may even find yourself tensing up right now.  Being aware of what causes muscle tightness is half the battle.  The other half is how to treat tension in various muscle groups.  Exercising and stretching are important to keep muscles from becoming painfully sore.

From a spiritual perspective,  our study writer deals with “resolving conflict in the body of Christ.” Really, there are conflicts?  It is a reality of life that can even be traced back to characters in the Bible. We will feature some of them within the first two weeks of our study.  Many of us can relate to those conflicts.

Conflicts can cause as many problems as muscle spasms. They can affect the well-being of the body of Christ.

Now to today’s verses.  We are not talking about the heathen.  As www.biblegateway.com  states, “This has James making a clearer moral exhortation, warning that Christians’ covetous desires lead to murderous fighting.”  Is it any wonder a holy God isn’t answering the prayers of those whose motives are far from pure?  There becomes a conflict in our relationship with God.  Sadly, many don’t feel the tension.

As we look to some Biblical characters and see their conflicts, may we learn from them and realize tension will not diminish if conflicts go unresolved. In the process of becoming a great body builder there will be setbacks and conflicts. However, be not dismayed. Look to God for the strength and answers you need to overcome them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Home Missions editor Ida Lewis as she recovers from recent surgery.

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“John pointed him out to the people.  He shouted to the crowds, This is the one I was talking about when I said, Someone is coming who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before I did” ( John 1:15 NLT).

What are you doing to refer folks you know and love to Christ?  Are you pointing Him out in the everyday kinds of miracles?  Are you referencing Him in regards to your actions and attitudes?  Are you forwarding any compliments you might receive to the One who really deserves them?

Do they see a glimpse of godliness in your reactions?  Tell them from whom it came.

Do they hear hope in your voice?  Speak up and let them know it’s nothing to do with you but all to do with Him.

Do they feel comforted in your presence because of your demeanor?  Let them know it’s Him shining through.

Point Him out throughout the day.  Shout His name to the crowds of people you’re around.  Refer to Him more often—He loves to receive the praise.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Free Will Baptist believers in Cuba as they meet for worship today.

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I Can Do It

“I will steady him and I will make him strong.  His enemies will not get the best of him, nor will the wicked overpower him”  (Psalm 89:21-22 NLT).

Lord, I really needed that this morning.

I needed to be reassured that You’re on my side, You’re fighting my battles and You are completely aware of my weaknesses—each and every one of them.

I’m feeling a little beaten and defeated this morning, so the thoughts of facing another day without Your protection and Your power, scare me to death.

My inabilities have assured me of the fact that in You rests any hope I might have of making it in this tough world.

Thanks for placing those words in the Bible.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for final work on the 2012-2013 Program and Plan Book, for ease in press submission and timely printing.

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Given to Hospitality

“Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13).

We can gather from reading Romans 12, that Paul is giving instructions on Christian conduct towards one another. As we think on today’s verse, we shouldn’t just think in monetary terms. The first part of our verse may also include the giving of our time and spiritual gifts. We have an obligation to fellow believers. That doesn’t mean we serve out of obligation. Rather we serve in love, recognizing this as a family duty of every child of God.  Yet Galatians 6:10 states, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”  This verse shows us we must also include non-believers in our hospitality.  We must be willing to share of our resources “to the necessity of the saints” and couple that with the gospel to those who know Him not.  If hospitality is a God-given spiritual gift, exercise this and find fullness of joy.

Romans 12 is like a companion chapter to 1 Corinthians 12 regarding spiritual gifts. As we close our study on the “home stretch,” may we embrace the challenge to use every gift and opportunity within our homes to further the gospel and bring God to glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for house churches meeting for worship this weekend. Ask God to overshadow these hosting homes with peace and protection as believers prepare to show hospitality in often adverse situations.

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Trusting Hospitality

“So he arose and went to Zarephath, And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as she was gong to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand” (1 Kings 17:10-11).

The familiar story of the prophet and the widow in 1 Kings 17 provides another example of hospitality. I encourage you to read this chapter.and ask yourself, “could I have been as gracious to the man of God?” There was a famine in the land. God was busy providing for His servant, Elijah.  Scripture relates how God sent food to him via ravens and provided water for him—until the brooks dried up.  Then God sent him to the widow of Zarephath to provide for both of their needs.

As this story unfolds, we see the picture of a woman and her son who were down to their last meal.  Today’s verses reveal both a prophet’s request and a widow’s obedience.  However, the prophet extended his request to include “a morsel of bread.”  I’m thinking the water might have been a small sacrifice, but the bread was surely a stretch.  The story continues, relating the depth of the widow’s desperation. She planned one last meal for herself and her son, and  prepared to die. If you had been in these dire straits, what would you have done? What seems such a stretch to us is nothing compared to what God can do.

Elijah told the widow to go in her house and fix him “a little cake.”  She could have questioned this and the prophet’s sanity, but she didn’t.  Because she trusted the man of God,  Elijah was fed,  and she and her son also “did eat many days.” Later on in the story God performed another miracle when He used Elijah to raise this same widow’s son from the dead.

We are often too quick to judge people we don’t know. We don’t want to be too trusting with people. However, we don’t want to come to the point where we don’t trust people at all.  When it comes to doing a “home based, home stretch,” try to remember the words found in Hebrews 13:2 about entertaining angels unawares.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for widows (or single moms) in your church or community who may be struggling financially. Is God calling you to show hospitality to one or more of these women?

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