Monthly Archives: June 2009

Thanks, Eve!

You can’t discount women’s subservient roles as cultural hogwash that doesn’t apply to today’s sophisticated woman. From the recording of the creation story until John lays down his pen on the Isle of Patmos, men are the leaders and women … Continue reading

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I Will Follow Him

It’s tough for today’s woman to understand the subservient role women played in biblical cultures and emulate it today. Subservience doesn’t mean women should be doormats. Rather, it is a submission like Christ exhibits with the Father by following His … Continue reading

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Honoring and Obeying

God’s commandment for children to honor father and mother includes the promise of a long and full life. Scripture also emphasizes obedience to parents. Honor comes through respect and love. Obedience involves accepting parental authority and doing what they say. … Continue reading

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The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree (part two)

Thankfully, good behavior is also hereditary. When you bow your head to pray as an adult, do you ever travel back to the time when your mother or father tucked you in at night and listened to your childlike prayers? … Continue reading

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The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree (part one)

Therapy rooms are filled with people blaming their parents for all of the ills they suffer. Alcoholics claim their fathers were drunks. Immoral people point to a cheating parent. Abusive parents blame mothers who beat them. Studies have proven that … Continue reading

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He’s on my side! he touched me! make him stop!

Sibling rivalry has been around since Cain snipped, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Even in today’s society Cain’s deadly resolution of the rift between him and Abel is considered severe. Though Paul doesn’t specifically speak about familial brothers and sisters, … Continue reading

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Lineage is Everything

Sometimes we try to hide some members of our family from the public eye. Like crazy Cousin Eddie in a popular Christmas movie, some of our kin add a little too much color to the family tree. Isn’t it amazing, then, … Continue reading

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