The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree (part one)

Therapy rooms are filled with people blaming their parents for all of the ills they suffer. Alcoholics claim their fathers were drunks. Immoral people point to a cheating parent. Abusive parents blame mothers who beat them. Studies have proven that such transference of habits is, indeed, cyclical. Sadly, history also proves this true. The mere title “Herod” can make us shiver when we consider the deeds of all the men who bore that name. Of the four generations of Herods mentioned in Scripture, each proved as evil as his ancestor. 


Read about these evil rulers and their evil influence on society and their descendants:

Herod the Great: Matthew 2:1-22

Herod Antipas: Matthew 2:19-22; 14:1, 9; 14:1; Luke 3:19-20; 23:7, 12

Herod Agrippa I: Acts 12:1-23

Herod Agrippa II: Acts 25:13–26:32

In your notebook under “family” write down any bad traits that have manifested themselves in your parents and grandparents and prayerfully consider how you can make every effort to stop them from passing through you into your children.


Mona Dukes

South Carolina


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray especially for families as they relate to each other on a daily basis

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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