“And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid” (Luke 23:55).
During and right after the crucifixion, women stayed loyal to Christ. They were not afraid to be seen as followers of Christ. The disciples were pretty much scattered for fear of their own lives. The women at the cross did not exhibit fear—only faith and grief. They stayed clear-headed so they could remember where to find Jesus’ tomb and bring some more burial spices the next day.
Jesus looks to women today, to continue to take a stand for Him. It may not be the most popular thing to do, but our loyalty to Christ must remain steadfast.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Continue praying for Rachel Fannin, 12-year-old daughter of missionaries Chris and Carla Fannin, who is slowly recovering from an injury. Thank the Lord for an improved prognosis; at one time doctors thought she might lose her foot.