“Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did” (Acts 9:36).
The early Church was filled with women whose lives were examples of women in WAC. Dorcas was a woman who put her love in action. She loved the Lord and served Him by sewing for the needy. She made coats and other clothing for the poor. Since clothing was not stitched on a sewing machine back then, her handmade items were very special to all her recipients. She was well loved and when the people found out she died, they mourned. However, not for long because Peter came in the name of the Lord and raised her from the dead. That miracle from God caused many to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, to have women in our WAC groups who care enough about the needs of others to give of their means, energy, and time for the cause of Christ.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Our beloved United States needs a touch from the Master. Pray for our national leaders as you meet with God today.