“And Samuel told him every whit and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth good. And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him” (1 Samuel 3:18-19a).
As we progress further into our study, we will see how being faithful to the call of God will open opportunities for us to either mentor or look to be mentored. Samuel had a good mentor in Eli. Eli was one Samuel could trust and pour his heart out to if needs be.
Passing along what we have learned to our children or perhaps to other women will be an added bonus as we live a godly lifestyle. Women, we have a sphere of influence. We can make use of it or neglect it. I’m very thankful for the “mentors” I’ve had along my Christian journey. They helped me grow as a woman, wife, and mother. Their examples encouraged me when things in my home might not have been as they should. They were there for me to share their experiences and wisdom. If you feel you need a “mentor,” seek out a trusted friend. In time, you may get the chance to be one to others.
Next week we will study about God’s “blueprint” for the “virtuous woman.” If we are going to be “builders” we must follow God’s plan. We have already discussed making our preparation by heeding to the call to follow Christ. Now we must begin our task in the home according to the details laid out in God’s Word.
Sue Winchester
Pray Together: Pray daily for the persecuted Church around the world.