New Year Resolutions?
Resolution: A resolving to do something
You may view New Year’s Resolutions as cliché and may think you’re just setting yourself up for failure in the coming weeks and months. Yet, new beginnings inspire us to rise above the failures behind us. Is there a particular area in your life that you’re wrestling with today? Resolve to turn the page and start over.
Here are just a few helpful reminders as you resolve to better yourself in these areas:
Mental: You’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine. Though it certainly doesn’t take the problem away it reminds you to stop taking everything so seriously. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict.
Emotional: Learn to be transparent with others and be genuinely interested in other people. Resolve to encourage at least one person everyday.
Physical: Exercise is amazing. Not only does it help you stay physically healthy, it actually helps you combat depression and negative feelings.
Spiritual: Resolve to read your Bible daily. No excuses. Spending time in God’s Word is a balm for the soul and a way to draw closer to Him.
April Tummins
PRAY TOGETHER: How is your personal Bible study and prayer time? Prayerfully consider WNAC President Rebecca Pugh’s challenge to read through your Bible in 2010.