“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41).
Be on guard against the devil by spending much time in prayer every day. That makes it easier to hear Him speak with you. We face a continual battle between flesh and spirit. Be in tune with God so you can hear Him warn you of impending danger.
I love the illustration our TWG study writer uses about the three-year-old who encountered a giant dog in the yard. She sensed this dog was dangerous. Instead of displaying fear, she ran to her daddy. We are going to face “giants” in our lives that will scare us. Instead of giving into fear and feeling we can’t win, we need to “run to our Daddy.” God will be there to help us fight the “roaring lion.” When we find ourselves faced with deception, run to God and pray. I heard this expression which I thought was appropriate to include today. “On your knees, you are in His Arms.” That is the safest place to be when the devil is trying to deceive you.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for our WAC leaders—from the local level to international.