“For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me”
(Psalm 51:3).
This is a continuation of Monday’s devotion. Another reason we need to go for help when we feel our lives are a disappointment is the shame we feel because we have become the prodigal. There are consequences we may still have to face. The account of David’s sin showed this was true for him. However, he poured out his soul to God ( Psalm 51). David’s sin haunted him. He felt shame and despair realizing he had sinned against God. With a contrite heart, David went to God and found forgiveness. What God did for David in restoring him, He stands ready to do for you.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as we study God’s power over discouragement this month. Change DIScouragement to ENcouragement; be a Barnabas to someone today.