“And he was angry, and would not go in, therefore came his father and intreated him” (Luke 15:28).
We are familiar with the outcome of the story of the prodigal son. The scene could be described as “joy in the camp.” Everyone should have been happy the younger son had finally come home. Unexpected disappointment marred the younger brother’s homecoming. The older brother couldn’t believe the reception his brother received. He became angry and didn’t want to go to the celebration. He had stayed at home and was the good son. His father had never thrown that kind of party for him. Instead of loving his brother enough to be glad he was back home, he had his own party, a “pity party.” In the midst of some of the happiest times in life, disappointments will hit. Becoming angry or feeling sorry for one’s self will not make things better.
How many times have you faced unexpected circumstances and felt life just isn’t fair?
It’s all in how you handle them. Do they draw you closer to God, or, do you blame Him for the turn of events of your life? It’s not the cross we bear. It’s how we carry it. Remember Christ bore one for you.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for guidance for the six students who plan to enroll for the 2010 school year at Chame Bible Institute in Panama. Pray the Lord will send the students He wants.