FROM A PASTOR’S POINT OF VIEW: What A Pastor Needs In A Wife
Proverbs 31:23
“Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.â€
In addition to the qualities mentioned in yesterday’s post, it is also true the pastor’s/preachers wife is in public view. All her virtues and vices will be carefully scrutinized. While not perfect, she must always desire to maintain irreproachable behavior. Many will, in an effort to undermine the preacher, do so through an attack upon his wife. Her response to provocation is more important than the provocation itself, much of which will be trivial in nature. Her mature reaction shows her to be spiritual while at the same time formidably supported by her position.
She is a woman with all the inherent qualities this suggests. However, she is God’s woman, the helpmeet to the man God has called. She must be the anchor that holds in the storm, the rudder that directs in the ocean of ministry and the first mate that supports the wishes of the captain.
Herman McFaddin
PRAY TOGETHER: Choose a high school or college student to pray for and mentor throughout this new school year.