Sin Sick

“But those who still reject me are like the restless sea.  It is never still but continually churns up mire and dirt. There is no peace for the wicked, says my God”  (Isaiah 57:20 NLT)

Our church has instituted a wonderful program called a Prayer Chain. I’m not sure how, but we’ve got a gentleman who is our main man in beginning a phone tree that contacts everyone in our church as to a need, or a praise. He can some how email and call everyone on the list and in turn we each receive the request and our prayers can begin.

We’ve prayed for little ones having their tonsils out, tubes put in their ears or tests run. We solicited God on behalf of adults going through chemotherapy, heart bypass surgeries and family issues. We have intervened for teens in car wrecks, bad relationships and hard times. We seldom have a day when the prayer chain is not ringing us up with a need to take to the Lord.

We’ve seen some amazing things happen. Miracles, really. Doctors baffled. Surgeries cancelled because there was no longer a need. Shortened procedures. Quick recoveries. Situations minimized in intensity and effect.

Rarely, and this is a problem I have, do we ever publish the names of those who are sin sick. Seldom, if ever, do we have a prayer chain call go through for someone just needing the Lord. Those who are lost, in the dark, bound for a devil’s hell, well, we don’t want to put a name out there—might embarrass them.

I think it’s high time we began to treat those bound in sin with as much concern as those suffering from a cold, a careless driver or cancer.

Tammy, Robbie, Brent, Dionna, Jody, Megan…I could go on.  Tina, Billy, Chuck…I still have more.  Mike, Crissy, Keri…just to name a few.

Do our hearts ache over the thought of losing someone to eternity? Do we have a fear in our hearts of some loved one missing Heaven by a prayer? Do we concern ourselves enough with eternal matters as we do physical ones? Will we bother ourselves, and our Christian brothers and sisters, to lift up heart issues that only God can correct?

Tired of seeing restlessness in the lives of our friends and family members? Worn out from watching the chaos and struggle of those closest to our hearts as they continue to reject God? Getting discouraged from watching the flailing of an unsaved loved one?

Call up someone to pray for them. Go ahead, mention their names. Call them what they are, lost, and ask a friend to help you pray that they be found by God—and found quickly!

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for continued growth in FWB Hispanic ministry. Pray for the Gwen Hendrix FWB Hispanic Seminary in Inman, South Carolina.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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