“…Take no rest, all you who pray. Give the Lord no rest…” (Isaiah 62:7 NLT).
Can I make a confession? I’m a prayer slacker.
Oh, yes, I pray and pray hard when tough times come—when a friend needs a touch from the Lord and when I want to know the direction He needs me to take…but on a good day? When the sun’s shining? When things are rolling along smoothly and the umbrella’s put away, I slack off.
I shirk the most awesome privilege I have for a few more minutes of sleep, a few more minutes of television or a few more minutes on the computer finding out more things about others than I really need to know.
I am a lazybones when it comes to a deep-down, daily commitment to prayer. Oh, I pray before meals—you’d choke if you didn’t, wouldn’t you? I pray when others pray during worship service—my Mom attends my church, wouldn’t want her seeing me looking around during a prayer time. I pray each morning as I pick up the Bible, begging God to again reveal something to me out of His Word.
I am a dallier and a malingerer when it comes to the practice of prayer. I do not grasp the immensity of it’s scope. I cannot fathom the power it can reveal in a life. I allow life and it’s pressures to keep my focus off the importance of this Christian act.
And maybe, I’m not the only one.
“…Take no rest, all you who pray. Give the Lord no rest…” Isaiah 62:7 NLT
Just maybe…
I can become a live-wire of prayer, and not annoy the Creator.
I can become a powerhouse of petitions, and not use my allotted time in His presence.
I can become a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, and I will begin to see some huge things done.
I can become a go-getter in supplications. I need it and those I love need it, why have I put it off for so long?
I can become a whiz when it comes to the everyday things I must get done, so I can rest in His throne room, asking, listening, begging and praising.
Maybe…I can give the Lord no rest when it comes to my prayers—and He will be delighted.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as you attend services today; consider participating in PreEaster Week of Prayer and giving to the World Missions offering. Until the whole world knows…