Missionary as a Partner

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:20a).

Key proponents within the changing paradigm of missions are nationals.”  These are native-born believers within a certain field or region. They do not have to learn language, move across the ocean or cross cultural barriers in order to share the gospel with the unreached. TWG study writer, Shirley Combs says,

“Individual missionaries cannot possibly give all believers the care they need.  So, we follow Christ’s example and concentrate ourselves on those who will be leaders in the church groups that are forming.  Jesus enlisted men who could bear witness to His life and continue after He returned to His Father.  Missionaries must enlist individuals who will faithfully bear witness to Jesus after they have left the field or gone on to other target groups.  Those who actively go, make disciples and baptize must teach their disciples ‘to observe all things’ Christ has commanded them.  This is a precious time for “partnering.”

These national church leaders have no ordination papers. Their spiritual knowledge may be limited. So missionaries must partner with them until the time they must turn the work of evangelism over to them.  We need to pray earnestly for national church leaders.  They are an integral part of God’s plan to share the gospel to every nation and tribe.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the director and staff of Free Will Baptist International Missions.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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