“Are you not the same today, the one who dried up the sea, making a path of escape when you saved your people” (Isaiah 51:10 NLT).
Things change. A few cases in point…
Tried locating your favorite song on record, 8-track or cassette lately?
Finally realized that the world wide web is not a mammoth arachnid’s masterpiece?
Things certainly change. At times our heads spin at the thoughts of what once was, what is no longer and what is to come.
I have good news for you. God has not changed.
Governments have not diminished His power. Daniel’s night in the lion’s den was not the last time God shut Satan’s mouth, shackled his hands or refused to let him act in the life of a believer. Politicians have not separated God from the state of this country’s affairs, kept prayer out of schools or okayed the killing of babies by passing bills or laws. Misfit religions serving idols, men or godless acts have not taken over His sovereignty.
Television preachers have not ruined His name. People are still being drawn to Him. Friends are still carrying their friends to the Savior’s feet on mats, tearing off the roof when needed and believing wholeheartedly that healing is available. Women still carry their issues to Him and leave without them. Blind people are finding sight in His presence. Lame legs are being set about on paths of righteousness.
History has not diluted His saving grace. On a daily basis, men and women are experiencing the same life-changing salvation Paul received on the road to Damascus. Doctors, professors nor researchers have come up with anything to fill the void in human hearts like Jesus does. Souls are still being rescued from hell, preserved for Heaven and set for serving with intensity and joy.
Things have certainly changed—but God has not. You can still trust Him. You can still believe in Him. You can still count on Him to make a path through your sea. Because? Well, because amidst all that’s changed, He cannot and will not.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for those affected by the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Special thanks to the Master’s Men for their relief effort in Haiti.