Like Mother, Like Daughter

“…As is the mother so is her daughter” (Ezekiel 16:44b).

Until recently, I wasn’t aware of this verse in Ezekiel. Sadly, in its context, this was not complimentary.  I would like to put a different spin on this.

Mothers, we have an awesome responsibility to our children. We can give them a godly example, or we can pass on an evil way of life as mentioned in Ezekiel 16. When someone says to your daughter, “You’re just like your mother,” does she consider it a compliment or an insult?

We all have lived through times when we wanted to be our own person.  We thought our mothers were so old-fashioned with their sense of style and set of values. Now, as we are raising or have raised our own kids, we realize they must think the same of us. On a given day we look in the mirror and jokingly utter, “Help! I’ve become my mother.”

I am blessed to still have my godly mother.  I am from a big family, but Mom has enough love to go around for all of us.  I could write about her many attributes, but one stands utmost in my mind.  Mom is a woman who believes in the power of prayer. Each day she calls out each one of her kids’ names as she prays. Whether she knows of a need or not, this has always been her practice.  When it comes her time to go home with the Lord, she will leave a legacy of faith and trust in God for me and  my  sisters.  What will your daughter inherit?  As the years go by, will your daughter have the desire to be just like you?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Becky Riggs (France) as she volunteers at a community center. Ask God to strengthen her witness so people will want to know Him.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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