Blessing a King

“Then Joseph brought his father, Jacob and presented him to Pharoah, and Jacob blessed Pharoah. How old are you Pharoah asked him. Jacob replied, I have lived for 130 hard years, but I am still not as old as some of many of my ancestors. Then Jacob blessed Pharoah again before he left” (Genesis 47:7-10 NLT).

Can you see this aged man being assisted to the base of Pharoah’s throne? Can you still see the sand and dirt that clings to him after the long, hard journey? Is he thin and frail from months of famine and worry over his boys?

Can you see the grand ruler being escorted into the throne room? The pomp and circumstance? The trumpeters, the flag bearers, the entourage of servants and dignitaries?

Can you hear the frail little man praying over Pharoah? Can you see his weathered hand resting on Pharoah’s kingly head as he speaks a prayer of blessing over his life, his rule, his country?

What enables a little old shepherd man to have this privilege, you ask?

Well, I believe you’re looking at it the wrong way—the privilege was all Pharoah’s! Pharoah was aware of this God of Joseph’s family. He had watched this entity care for and guide Joseph from a prison into a place of potential. He had noticed something different about Joseph, his words, his actions, his determination to serve someone higher and mightier than Pharoah himself.

I do not believe Pharoah’s life was the same after Jacob’s blessing. What did he do with the stirring he felt in his heart? How did he react to the convictions welling up in his chest and heart? How did he change?

God enables us to bless a few higher-ups in our own lives. Ever been given the awesome privilege of blessing your pastor? Your Sunday School teacher? Your boss? Your parent?

God does not issue abilities or ministries based upon a caste system—the lowest among us has the greatest potential in His eyes.

What are you doing with the blessing?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: With schools soon out for summer, pray for those children who will need special people to help with their daily meals and provide safe activities for them.

SPECIAL REQUEST: Pray for former WNAC President Genelle Scott, whose husband Ben passed away Thursday evening; the funeral is today in Pocahontas, AR.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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