“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…” (James 4:8a).
We learned yesterday that having a successful relationship means giving all to make it work. To further emphasize yesterday and today’s verses, our study writer lists the similarities of the two relationships we have been comparing in our Bible study. She states, “As in marriage, the glue of our spiritual union involves communication, commitment, faith, and giving 100%.”
Some of us may blush when we use the word “intimacy.” Search a dictionary and you’ll probably find this definition:“an association, knowledge, or understanding arising from close personal connection or familiar experience.” Most of us have no problem understanding how that applies to marriage. But to have that deep personal connection with our Savior, we must spend time with Him. We must dialogue. This can only happen when we spend time each day in His Word and on our knees in prayer. Oh, that we would “draw nigh to God,” knowing He’s anxious to draw nigh to us.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for students graduating this month from the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute in Inman, SC. Pray also for continued support and the success of this ministry.