“Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:21).
Whether entering a marriage or drawing closer to God, we are facing new challenges in an ever-changing world. “God’s established roles in marriage not only still stand, but also make for successful relationships.” We have stepped away from His standards and more women have assumed leadership roles. Why do we always feel we have to change with the times? There are God-given guidelines in His Word for wives and husbands as well. If couples would follow them and work together, then maybe more homes would be havens instead of battlegrounds.
Today’s verse tells us if we would submit to one another in the fear of God, we would be more successful in our relationships.
In your relationship with God, our new role is not all about us and having everything our way. It’s all about Him and giving our wills over to Him. As part of His “bride” we will find true freedom and joy as we allow Him to lead and take care of us.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Neil and Mandi Morgan as they travel and raise needed support.