A Little Chicken

“Let me live forever in your sanctuary safe beneath the shelter of your wings”  (Psalm 61:4 NLT).

The funniest thing is unfolding here at Edgell Acres. One of my son Isaiah’s little banty hens has decided to hatch three eggs.  If our calculations are correct, the newest members of the farm should arrive this weekend. I have learned a lot about this verse just watching her care for those eggs.
Though she’s small, she’s a ferocious protector. There’s probably not enough meat on her bones to make a decent chicken nugget, but nothing or no one can get close to those eggs. Just opening the little cage door to give her clean water and food causes a substantial ruffling of the feathers. She’s going to take care of her potential chicks no matter what. God’s like that, too. He’s on my side. He’s willing to stand between me and any enemy I have. He sees my potential and will not leave my side until I’m in a safe place where my gifts/talents/abilities can shine.

We’re not letting her in on the secret, but the three eggs she’s sitting on aren’t all hers. She’ll find it out in a few days, but I don’t think it’s going to matter. You see, when they hatch, she’s going to be the proud momma of someone who looks just like her—and two adopted children of the larger chicken breeds. And God? Well, He knows my bloodline, too. He knows I’m about as related to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as you are—but in His heart, I’m His.  You see, my adoption papers were signed in Christ’s blood—and there’s nothing more legal than that.

Little Lady is patient. It takes 21 days from egg to chick. Nothing like sitting around waiting for something to happen, is there? She’s left the eggs long enough to get drinks and small bites of food (which are placed about six inches from her nesting box), but for no other reason will she allow the eggs to be unattended. She’s committed herself to wait for those little peepers to appear, and I think if it were to take twice as long, she’d be in it for the long haul. God’s patient with me, too.  Only I know the number of times I run out from under the shelter of His wings, trying it on my own, taunting Satan with my skill, strength, and wisdom—only to be quickly running for cover when any of the three are tested.

Safe in the shelter of His wings. I’m learning there’s no better place to be.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your father and other men who have influenced your life.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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