“And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out”(Matthew 25:8).
Our study writer states, “Preparation of any recipe requires first having the needed ingredients.” Every bride wants to learn about her husband’s favorite foods. She begins to borrow recipes, and, of course, learn about his mother’s cooking. She is aiming to please.
But what if, when she goes to use a recipe and as she gathers the ingredients, she finds she doesn’t have everything she needs. Basically, she isn’t prepared to use that recipe. She may get flustered and settle for making something else.
In the familiar parable of the ten virgins, we find five of them were left unprepared. They weren’t organized. They didn’t buy the oil needed for their lamps. However, they had to face dire circumstances for their lack of preparation. They thought they had plenty of time to go and buy oil for their lamps. The coming of the Bridegroom came as a surprise, and they weren’t ready. They had run out of time and couldn’t borrow from the other virgins.
The overarching theme in both stories is better preparation. Being organized saves time and causes less stress.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for former WNAC president Everyl Getz as she leads a summer Bible study.