Luke 2:7
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was not room for them in the inn.
When God gave His gift to Mary, she wrapped him in swaddling clothes.
Shepherds came from the field and found the stable just as the angels had told them. And Mary surely unwrapped God’s gift so they might look upon the infant child.
No doubt, Mary unwrapped her gift for the wise men who’d traveled from distant lands. When they saw the Christ child, this gift of God’s love, they changed their plans and took a new way.
As Simeon took the babe in his arms to bless Him at the Temple, this gift was unwrapped again. Mary shared her gift with others.
Some years later, Herod and his men of war wrapped this same gift in a gorgeous robe as they mocked and persecuted Jesus at His trial. Solders then unwrapped the gift and placed HIm on a cross, lifted up before the world.
The gift was wrapped again by Joseph of Arimathea, who laid the crucified Christ in his own tomb. When Mary and other women came to unwrap the gift, to prepare Him for burial, they found the wrappings. The gift was not there.
God gave His Son so we could receive the gift of eternal life. Have you received this gift and unwrapped it? What are you doing with this gift? Has the gift been placed on the shelf of your life? Was it scattered among the wrappings and tossed aside? Or is it still as precious as the day you received it?
Unwrap the gift. Share Christ this Christmas.
adapted from an article by
Gladys Tonkin