“Goliath stood and shouted across to the Israelites, Do you need a whole army to settle this? Choose someone to fight for you…” (1 Samuel 17:8).
And God did. God chose one to settle the battle with the giant that day, one small boy.
Then He did it again. He sent One to the cross.
One Spotless Lamb.
One High Priest.
One Morning Star.
One Good Shepherd.
One Holy Child.
That One? That One has defeated our giants. That One has delivered us from the pits of hell. That One has redeemed, forgiven, washed clean and purchased our salvation. That One presented Himself, took the sins upon His shoulders, died and arose.
One is all we need.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: TWG billings go out in September. Pray that these (as well as changes in the magazine) will generate necessary support.