“I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me; no man cared for my soul” (Psalm 142:4).
Feeling alone is miserable. In the verse above, David recorded his feelings while hiding in a cave, on the run from evil King Saul. He felt no one on earth cared about him. Even when he wasn’t hiding out, he felt no one even noticed his misery.
The primary focus of this month’s TWG study is a hidden gem the Bible refers to as the widow of Zarephath. Since God works simultaneously in and through another person, the narrative would not be complete without the mention of Elijah.
This week sets the stage, bringing the widow and the prophet together. The whole scenario shows the providence of God. Early in our story, we see the widow like a “diamond in the rough.” Diamonds become more brilliant when they are put through the fire. Facing poverty and famine, she came forth as a radiant “diamond.” Her name may not have been known, but her testimony shines on.
Both of these saints (the widow and Elijah) knew what it was like to feel alone. They were facing adversity. However, God would be there for them, allowing each to help the other. I recall an old hymn titled, “No Never Alone.” When you feel alone and in despair, remember God’s promise that He will never leave or forsake you. When you feel so alone and friends walk away, turn to Jesus. He is ready to hold you in His everlasting arms and wipe away your tears. You don’t have to face life’s trials alone.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Brother Bert Tippett, longtime godly influence at FWBBC, as he continues to fight the good fight of faith—at home now with cancer.