“Job continued speaking, I long for the years gone by when God took care of me…” (Job 29:1 NLT).
It’s the age old question, asked by believing and non-believing. It surfaces during the toughest of times. It nags at the heart and mind, whether or not it’s ever voiced…Why would God allow this to happen?
Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered this yourself.
Why did God allow 9/11 to occur?
Why would a God, a loving God, allow cancer?
How can God sit aside and watch so many of the things that corrupt this world?
What did the people of New Orleans or Haiti do to deserve such destruction?
Job was sitting around a cold, lonely fire wondering the same kinds of things. His children were gone. His prosperity, blown away. His reputation was being marred by the closest of his friends. He said aloud what we’ve thought ourselves…Why, God?
May I turn the question around? Might I change a few words and present a totally different view of things? Here goes…
Why God would you ever choose to bless us?
How can you allow so many sun-filled, rainless days?
My family, my friends, my health, my peace–what did I ever do to deserve those?
Why, God, did you give up your Son on the cross for me?
Smooth sailing, sunny days, sleep-filled nights, beaming doctor’s reports and plump checkbooks have a way of allowing us to slip into a state of feeling like we have just what we deserve. Oh, how far from the truth that is. Why is it we solicit God on behalf of our needs, cry out to Him when we feel as if life’s unfair and complain when a storm wreaks havoc on our garden party? Why don’t we question His goodness?
Job has made me think this morning about all God has given to one undeserving gal. He’s brought to my mind the stock-piles of blessings He’s allowed to come into my life, undeserved and unmerited. He has convicted me of the simple fact that I’m an unappreciative, selfish princess-brat in the Royal Family.
Why would He have ever chosen to bless me? Why?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Thank God for your pastor. Write a note of appreciation of give a gift. It’s Clergy Appreciation Day.