“…You are to influence them; do not let them influence you!” (Jeremiah 15:19 NLT).
One of my favorite questions to ask is, “Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?”
As a thermometer, are you affected by the surroundings? Do you allow influences around you to raise or lower your blood pressure? Happenings to crumble your faith? The weather to affect your moods? Family issues to govern your emotions? World events to direct your happiness?
Or, are you a thermostat? Do you control how you feel based upon what you know, not what you experience? Do you remain unaffected by happenings because of an inner peace you’ve gained from being a child of the King? Do you bring a ray of sunshine into the darkest of places, the dreariest of days?
At work, are you an influencer, or the influenced? Is your speech determined by the crowd you’re in? Do your words mimic those around you?
In your home, are you a stalwart of faith or are you wishy-washy? Do you believe because He’s said, or because you’re seeing some improvement/action/miracles?
In your church, do you arrive filled with the Holy Spirit—or depend upon the preacher to ‘fill you up’? Do you come expecting a great service or leave surprised when one occurs?
Answer the question for yourself…Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?
Better yet, how would those around you answer about you?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWB Family Ministries’ Hope Clinic as they counsel single mothers this week.