“…but the man was churlish and evil in his doings; and he was of the house of Caleb” (1 Samuel 25:3b).
If it’s true opposites attract, then it was certainly true with Abigail and her husband Nabal. We must remember at the time of the Old Testament, women had little choice in whom they married. They were what we today would call “trophy wives.” They were nothing more than property. Abigail was married to a very rich man. However, Nabal was far from being the model husband. He was evil and arrogant. This couldn’t have been the man of Abigail’s dreams. She chose to make the best of her situation. She kept her vows and didn’t let his character rub off on her.
How many women today do you know that are trapped in a plight like Abigail’s? Breathe their names in prayer before God.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for missionaries in Mexico as they minister to those living in darkness.