I’ve filled out cards and licked stamps. I’ve called them up and reminded when I run into them at Wal-Mart. I’ve dropped postcards and fliers in the mailbox, time and time again. I’ve dropped hints and I’ve been very, very blunt.
The thing is, they always agree with me on the fact that they need to be in church. They seem to really want to really want to experience for themselves all I’ve told them about. But another Sunday, of me looking carefully over the congregation for their faces, has passed.
Do I send another note? Or another email? Do I post another “great service” message on their social network page? Do I keep mentioning, keep inviting, keep prodding them in the direction of our church?
Or, do I give up?
No, giving up is not an option for a mission this important. Throwing in the towel might be do-able if a soul and eternity were not at stake. Turning my back on the lost is not possible, not when I know the Way. Refusing to plant seeds when a harvest is promised, is just not good stewardship. Withholding the Cure from a sin-sick heart is unethical, to say the least.
So, I’ll invite them again. I’ll send another postcard. I’ll continue to go on and on about what God’s busy doing, and let them think about the wonderful things they’re missing out on.
And? And, I’ll continue to scan the crowd for them each and every service.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Daylight savings time ends today. Be creative and use the extra hour for God.