“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed…” Jeremiah 6:15a
Ladies have you taken a trip to the mall or a local retail store lately? If you have I know you have noticed the shameless way folks are dressing and acting. We have a huge responsibility to our young people as well as our peers to show them how to act and dress in a modest fashion. Others can see the difference. I substituted in public schools and always dressed in a modest fashion. One child raised his hand and asked, “Hey, are you a church lady?” Christians should always act and dress the way the Lord would have us to. We can do this because we are God’s women and we want to set the Christian example. Even children recognize the difference.
LaCrecia McFaddin Tennessee
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the safety of chaplains and their families.