
“…For some time now, he told them, you have wanted to make David your king.  Now is the time”  (2 Samuel 3:17 NLT).

Lately I’ve noticed something in our newspaper’s obituary column. There is no age limit on death.

In recent weeks, there have been listings for 90 year-olds, 60 year-olds, 40 year-olds, a 19 year-old and a 3 year-old.  The readings have led us to understand some have passed after long battles, while some were suddenly taken.

You and I, no matter how healthy, regardless of all we have planned and despite our age, have no clue as to how much time we have left to do anything.  That ominous fact got my mind moving as I read today’s Scripture.

I’m not sure what it is you want to do in life, get out of life or leave as a legacy, but let’s be blatantly honest. If you don’t go ahead and do it, you might never get it done.

Do you have a goal to reach?  Do you have a dream you’ve put off until a better time?  Got a bucket list?  Is there that something you’ve always wanted to do, but the time was never right?

Do you know how many days you have left?  Do you know how long the “dash” of your life will be?  Are you privvy to the information only God holds?

May I suggest something you really need to do first?  You really, desperately, hopelessly and undoubtedly need Christ as your Savior.

You tell me you’ve done just fine without Him.  You present me with a list of reasons why you don’t.  You shake your head, preferring to stay the way you are.

Now is the time.

You show me a picture of your family, your lovely home and a very pretty vehicle.  You point toward a rather healthy paycheck.  You direct my attention towards the spots of importance you hold in the community.

Now is the time.

You have me take a look at your planner.  You offer me a peak into your checkbook.  You invite me to a party you’re throwing.

Now is the time.

All you have will be given to someone else.  All you are will be remembered in a few snapshots and a nice little article written about your life.  All you’ll leave is a tombstone and a mound of dirt…unless you make Christ your King.

Now is the time.  NOW, is the time.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for MKs apart from family during this holiday weekend.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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