“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).
In the throes of shopping and planning to celebrate Christmas, let us pause for a few moments to think about Christmas gifts. If we visit Christmases past, we may all have memories of a favorite gift. It was something we really wanted and were so happy to receive it. We probably used descriptive words like “awesome” or “magnificent” as we told others about it. We have the opportunity to receive the greatest gift, one that surpasses anything we’ve ever been given. Accept the best God had to offer—His only begotten Son. (John 3:16)
We are all too familiar with the Christmas story found in Luke 2. Yet, Luke’s gospel also mentions a woman who highly anticipated the birth of Christ. With everything that surrounded that most holy of nights she could have been overlooked. However, this faithful woman was not overlooked by God. She was going to receive the greatest Christmas present. Find out more as we go through our December study. Tomorrow we discover the name of another “hidden jewel.”
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for attendees of the annual Leadership Conference that begins today in Nashville, TN. Ask God to give these pastors and ministry leaders a teachable spirit.