The Waiting Game

“The bride, a princess, waits within her chamber, dressed in a gown woven with gold.  In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king, accompanied by her bridesmaids.  What a joyful, enthusiastic procession as they enter the king’s palace”  (Psalm 45:13-15) NLT.

The big day has arrived.  The perfect gown.  Carefully selected flowers.  Just the right hairstyle, veil and jewelry.  A lot of thought, planning and shopping have been done to make this day special–unforgettable.  And now?  Now, she waits.

Waiting games are the hardest to play, wouldn’t you agree?  Last year, I waited through an extended home remodeling project—new vinyl siding, soffit and fascia.  All the old was stripped away and the house frame lay like a blank canvas for our carpenters to fill.

I guess, in my head, I assumed it would be no time until I turned down our road  to find crowds of people, television crews and a huge bus parked in front of the house.  And a moment just waiting for me to shout that now familiar phrase, “Bus driver, move that bus!”

But each evening when I pulled into the driveway—I was met with the realization that it still was not done. In the day to day, I didn’t see a lot of progress.

It’s kind of the same thing in my Christian walk.  A lot of anticipation.  A lot of tearing away of the old.  A lot of hauling off dingy, bent and outdated things—but the reveal?  Well, there are days when I feel my completed make-over will be months, if not years, away.

So I play the waiting game as He works on my heart.

I continue to trust that He’ll take over control of my mouth.

I hope, with all that’s within me, He will soon be my first response.

I keep praying that the sins that continue to creep into my life will be replaced with good deeds and praise-worthy acts.

I believe each morning that this is the day “mature Christianity” will come naturally to me.

And yet, I look in the mirror and see the same old thing—me.

But I’ll wait.  I’ll anticipate great things.  I’ll trust the Master Carpenter and His time frame.  I’ll continue to play the waiting game because I believe it will all be worth it.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Do you know your neighbors? A plate of cookies can open doors for lasting friendships. Pray for them as you bake or buy.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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