“Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now” (1 Corinthians 13:12) NLT.
Do I see the power of the resurrection as clearly as it is? Do I view the cross, the sacrifice, the death of a spotless Lamb with 20/20 vision? Or is my gaze alltered by the world—a Fun House of Mirrors through which Satan would prefer I view?
Will it be in Heaven that I see my name written in Jesus’ blood? To finally understand that without the cross it would not have been there at all?
Will it be my eternal delight to view the Father looking at the Son in love, and then, only then, realize the immensity of the sacrifice made?
Will it be as He leads me from mansion to mansion and I feel the nail prints in his hand? Will it be then that I become fully aware of the pain He endured, the pain I caused?
Will it be the whiteness of His presence, the glory of His presence, the brilliance of His presence that brings me to understand the blackness of my sins?
Will I grasp the extent of His love for me when I hear the words, “Enter in,”…knowing I have no right, am not worthy, could not possibly have done enough/said enough/been enough?
I do not believe I see things clearly now. I cannot fathom, cannot grasp, cannot understand completely the overwhelming nature of the cross.
But one day I will. One day He will reveal it all to me, and I will stand amazed once again that it was for me He died.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for the joys and privilege of coming before HIM together in prayer.