“I have been young, and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, or His seed begging bread.” Psalms 37:25
I grew up in a Christian home in a large family. Many considered us very poor. Money was tight and there never was a variety of food put on our table. I think many of you can relate with similar circumstances. However, we never went to bed hungry. Maybe the food wasn’t fancy or plentiful, but God always provided something to eat.
When I moved away from home to marry, we encountered some tough times, but God made a way to give us each day what we needed. I thankfully look to today’s Bible verse, mindful that my loved ones and I never had to go “begging bread.” As I continue in the faith, I know I never will.
There are many things we don’t understand when we are young, but when we are older, we look back and wonder how we ever survived. We can never take for granted how God supplies our daily bread. We must stay faithful and trust Him, one day at a time. He stands ready to sustain us. If you are willing to share your bounty with those less fortunate, you may be given opportunities to introduce them to the “Bread of Life.” (John 6:35)
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Fletcher as she balances caregiving for her father-in-law, family, church and work responsibilities.